Cheer up

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Peridot POV
How am I supposed to respond? She told me about something so personal and the only thing I can do is hug her.
I wish I was better with words
       The air cleared a little and I felt lapis slowly start to back away. I let go of her and we sat looking at each other for a little. Lapis had a few silent tears running down her face but nonetheless the retained a soft smile. I smiled back and wiped some of her tears with my hand. This is okay, I don't think I need to say anything. I leaned forward and gave lapis a gentle kiss.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I think so"
She got up and used a tissue to wipe her tears.
"What are we gonna do today?"
"It's our day off?"
"Oh right I forgot"
       Considering all that happened this morning and last night my day off was the last thing on my mind. I want to go somewhere lapis would like considering she's probably still a little shaken by that nightmare.
"Oh I know where we should go"
"Where to?"
"It's a surprise, wait for me by the door I have to grab some things"
lapis POV
I stood waiting by the door as sounds of peridot rummaging through things fueled my curiosity.
What is she planning?
Not too long after she walked over with a duffle bag.
"What's in the bag?"
"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise"
I rolled my eyes and gave her a peck on the cheek. She tightened her grip on the bag and grabbed her keys.
       She put the bag in the trunk and we started towards the surprise. I didn't recognize the route and it seemed a little far away.
Where are we even going?
Peridot stopped by a gas station and came out with a few bags of something. Again she put it in the trunk and came back to the car.
"Any chance you'll tell me what that was?"
Time skip cause I'm lazy
"We are getting close so I'm going to have you close your eyes"
"How do you know I won't peek?"
"I trust you"
I closed my eyes and tried my best not to open them.
"Okay I'm going to have you step out the car I'll help you out but don't open your eyes"
I heard the door open and I fumbled with my seatbelt. I felt peridots hand grab mine and I stepped out of the car. The air was cleared here and it smelled like trees.
Where the hell are we
I was desperately trying not to open my eyes but it was getting harder every second.
Peridot took my hand and led me down somewhere. The ground was uneven and has small rocks everywhere.
"Okay open your eyes"
I opened my eyes and took in everything around me. We were at alone on the shore of a small lake. The water looked beautiful and the sun reflected off of it in away that seemed almost fake.
"Peridot where are we?"
"This is a private spot on the lake that a friend of mine owns. I thought that after everything that happened you might wanna relax somewhere secluded."
I walked on the shoreline examining every last bit of the lake. There wasn't a boat on the water or child swimming in the shallow parts. We were alone, just me and the person I love most.
"Do you like it?"
I pulled her towards me and gave her a passionate kiss.
"I love it, thank you"
Peridot POV
I'm glad she's happy. After seeing her cry it was refreshing to see her beautiful smile again.
"I'm gonna grab the things I brought"
"Okay I'll wait here"
I went to grab the duffle bag full of towels and clothes. I packed lapis's swimsuit a pair of beach chairs and some snacks as well as my own clothing. I came back with the bag and set it atop a towel. I went back to grab the chairs which lapis helped me with.
"When did you grab all this stuff"
"The friend of mine that owns this place let me borrow the chairs and the rest is from home. They are also letting us use their cabin"
Lapis looked over to the small cabin on the edge of the forest.
"Wanna check it out?"
She nodded and I went to the car to grab the key.
"Why didn't I notice this before?"
"You were too focused on the lake"
I opened the door and we stepped inside. The decor was nice it felt cozy. There was a small fireplace and rug that added to the atmosphere.
"We can come here if we get tired from being in the sun for too long"
"How long are they letting you use this for?"
"As long as we need to why? Do you want to come back tomorrow?"
"Well why don't we stay the night?"
"We have school"
The thought of missing class bothered me slightly but it would be nice to spend the day out here with lapis.
"Cmon Peri it's just one day"
"Fine but just this once"
Her smile lit up and she ran to get the duffle bag. She brought it inside and set it on the bed.
"You brought enough clothes for two days and all our stuff so we should be fine. You even packed the portable charger"
I grabbed my swimsuit and decided to change in the bathroom.
"Hey peridot when did you even meet this friend of yours?"
"I was planning to bring you here soon but figured this was a good day for that. I met up with them a while ago not too long after I passed my test."
I changed into my swim suit and walked outside. Lapis was already changed and ready to jump into the water.
"Would you hurry?"
"You didn't have to wait for me"
We jumped into the water getting passed the initial shock of cold.
"This seems like it's gonna be a fun little trip"
"Yeah it's already started off great"

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