Never Have I Ever

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Peridot POV
It's been a little over a week since the whole jasper thing and luckily we haven't heard from them since. Lapis was still a little jumpy, putting her guard up and freaking out a little every time she saw anyone over 6 ft tall. I thought of taking her out since it's the weekend but she seems reluctant to crawl out of bed let alone go anywhere.
"Hey you want any breakfast?"
"I'll eat later"
"You gonna day in bed all day?"
I let out an audible sigh and laid down next to her. I had to find a way to cheer her up but I wasn't really sure how.
"Hey lapis?"
"Do you wanna go anywhere today?"
"Like where?"
"We'll See that's the thing I was hoping you have any ideas"
She turned to face me and seemed to be thinking of a place.
"Well I guess we haven't seen Steven in a bit and it would be nice to go somewhere instead of staying here all day"
"That works I'll text him"
I'm glad she agreed to go somewhere instead of rotting away under the covers.
Peridot: hey you home?
Steven: not right now but I'm on my way back why?
Peridot: we wanna go visit
Steven: I'll be home in like ten minutes you guys should come now we'll be there by then
Peridot: yeah okay see you there
Steven: byeeee
"Get up we should eat and then go"
"Wait right now?"
"You said you wanted to go today"
"Well yeah but this is sooner than expected"
She climbed out of bed and scrambled some clothes together. She got fixed up and went in the grab breakfast. It was nothing fancy but a muffin and some coffee but we weren't used to large meals in the morning anyway.
"Yeah lets go"
I grabbed my keys phone and wallet and headed out. I quickly tapped my pockets to make sure I wasn't missing anything and locked the door. When I got to the car lapis was already inside and shuffling through her phone to find a playlist. The drive felt a little shorter which may have been thanks to the music. It was a nice change from the awkward silence we've had the past few days.
When we got there I noticed everyone's cars where in so everyone was home. We walked up to the door and lapis knocked twice. At first there wasn't an answer but if you paid attention you could hear the fast paced steps of Steven running towards us in his flip flops.
"Hi guys!"
He immediately pulled lapis down into a tight hug before turning his attention to me. Instead of pulling me down though he lifted me off the ground.
"Steven! Put me down"
I could hear lapis laughing as Steven refused and called it "punishment for not visiting"
"Steven put her down"
Garnet soon came to my salvation appearing in the door way without a sound. With a small huff Steven popped me back down and I retreated behind lapis.
"Well come on in"
We followed Steven inside and took a seat on the couch.
He ran off somewhere leaving us with garnet.
"So, how are you"
"We're good, you?"
"Fine, why the sudden visit?"
"Just missed you all I guess"
"I see"
Garnet has always scares me slightly she knows more than she lets on but never really takes much action. Its eery.
"Heyyy p-dot lapis it's good to see you"
"Heya amethyst"
I forget how I suppose shy isn't the best way to put it but more like anti social, I forget how antisocial lapis can be.
"Sorry I was cleaning, how are you two it's been a while"
"We've been okay"
Eventually Steven pops back into the room bringing his contagious energy along with him.
"Great now that everyone's here, we have some catching up to do"
He laid down on the floor belly down and swung his legs slightly as he looked directly at us with a wide smile.
"What have you two been up to?"
"Nothing really"
"Oh I find that hard to believe"
Amethyst soon joined Steven on the floor craving any embarrassing information she would soon squeeze out of us.
"We really haven't done anything interesting just kinda going to school"
"Oh well then since you won't speak on your own I propose a game"
Oh no this ought to be good
"Never have I ever"
Lapis seemed confused
"How do you play that?"
"Allow me to explain, you hold up a set amount of fingers, we will start off with five to make it easy, and everyone takes turns saying something and if you've done it you have to put a finger down. For example if I say never have I ever kissed a girl you'd put a finger down. All fingers down and you lose got it?"
Although still visibly confused lapis nodded.
"Alright who's in?"
Garnet, pearl and Steven all put their hands up along side us.
"Cool I'll start, never have I ever had sex"
So that's the point of this stupid game
"Amethyst that is not appropriate Steven is playing!"
"He knows what he's getting in to, well?"
Lapis and I put a finger down along with amethyst pearl and garnet.
"Ha knew it"
next it was pearls turn which meant we didn't have to worry about anything bad for the time being
"Never have I ever consumed an entire large pizza"
Amethyst Steven and to my surprise lapis all put a finger down.
"My turn! Never have I ever eaten grass"
Amethyst put a finger down
"Hey you were targeting me!"
Garnets turn next
"Never have I ever purchased lingerie"
"Oooo garnet didn't expect that question"
Amethyst put a finger down and I noticed lapis blushing madly as she slowly put a finger down as well.
"Wait lapis!? I gotta hear the story behind that"
Lapis firmly held her ground and refused to say more which was a little disappointing since I was also curious. Beyond that the game was uneventful with garnet winning in the end.

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