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Lapis POV
I went outside and let the smell of smoke take away my thoughts. I've never been camping before but seeing the fire and the lake makes me see why people love it so much.
"Fish is almost ready"
Peridot sat in one of the lawn chairs poking at the foiled fish with an long stick. She was visibly terrified of the fire, it was adorable.
"Do you need help taking it off the flame?"
"No no it's alright watch this"
She took her stick and smacked the covered fish onto the ground.
"See now when it cools we can eat it"
She seemed extremely proud of herself, I couldn't help but smile.
I picked up the fish carefully. It wasn't too hot but peridot still panicked when I touched it.
"lapis please be careful it's hot"
I laughed and unwrapped the fish. It was cooked well and flaked right off the bone.
"It's good you should try yours"
We talked and ate for a while as the sun began to set.
"Peridot look"
We both stared at the golden sun as it's colors spread onto the water. The array of orange and reds bounced off the clear surfaces and shattered as the still lake ripped.
"I never get tired of watching the sun set"
"Me too"
I looked at peridot. The new colors framed her face perfectly.
I put a hand to her face and turned her towards me. Our lips met and we held them for a bit. After everything that happened the last few days the kiss felt different. It wasn't as hungry as that night or as sad as that morning. It was comforting and new. If every kiss is like this then I'll fall in love over and over again.
Pulling away is always the hardest part. If I could stay like this forever I would. Sadly I kind of need to breathe.
"Hey I think I saw some marshmallows in the cabin if you feel like roasting some"
"Sure I've never roasted a marshmallow before but it sounds fun"
"Wait you've never roasted a marshmallow before?!"
"What have you been doing with you life?"
I smiled and peridot ran towards the small house. Not too long after she came out again holding a bag of large white marshmallows in her arms.
"Grab a stick"
I looked around and picked up a decently sized stick.
Peridot handed me a marshmallow and told me to just stab it with my stick.
"You just have to make sure it's stuck on well"
I stabbed the fluffy sugar cube and waited for my next instructions.
"These will catch fire really easily so be very careful when your toasting them. Be patient"
I held my marshmallow over the fire and watched it turn a light brown painfully slow.
Maybe a little closer to the fire won't hurt
I put it closer to the raging flame and it began to cook much faster I turned it often and almost got the perfect color when it burst into a ball of flames. I quickly pulled it away from the fire and panicked.
Peridot blew it out and met my eye.
"Be patient lapis, don't put it too close to the flame lapis, it burns easily lapis"
Peridot slowly relaxed and formed a faint smile.
She handed me her perfectly cooked marshmallow.
"Thanks but what do I do with this one?"
She took my stick and pulled the black gooey marshmallow off the stick.
"These are actually not too bad went burned"
She plopped it in her mouth as I sat watching with utter disgust.
"It was burnt"
"It looked inedible"
"Just try yours"
I looked at the perfectly light brown marshmallow in my hand. It was still slightly firm but I could tell the inside was partly melted. I put the whole thing in my mouth and felt it stick to everything.
"Iths so stwicky"
Peridot let out a cute giggle
"What was that?"
"Iths stwicking to the woof of my mowth"
At this point peridot was dying
"Here take some water"
I drank some water and could finally make cohesive sentences.
"Are they always that big?"
"No these just happen to be the jump ones, the normal ones should fit in your mouth without sticking too bad"
Well that makes a lot more sense
"Did you like your first marshmallow?"
"Yeah it tasted really good, though they're a much stranger texture than I expected"
Peridot took a new marshmallow and set it on fire
"What are you-"
I blew out the charred marshmallow and stared back at peridot with confusion
"Try it"
"It looks gross"
"You can't judge things based off appearance"
She pulled the torched thing off the stick and placed it in my hands. It began to stick all over my hands leaving a mess everywhere.
"Hurry up and eat it"
I took a bite and it made an even bigger mess.
"It's not bad actually. I think I like it"
"See they're good"
"Yeah just messy"
I finished up the rest of the marshmallow and examined the remains. It was all over my hands face and chest.
"Peri can you pass me the napkins"
"I don't think we have any"
"Well how am I supposed to clean this up?"
Peridot grabbed my hand and started to lick up the marshmallow.
"What are you doing"
She ran her tongue along my palms and fingers taking up the remaining sugar. Once she finished she took my other hand and did the same.
"There are we done?"
"Not yet"
She pulled me closer and licked the sides of my mouth.
"There's still some left"
At this point I was blushing madly but it was too dark for it to be noticeable.
Peridot moves down to the melted marshmallow that had fallen onto my upper chest. She licked my lower neck and sucked on my collar bone. She knew exactly what she was doing. She carefully but down leaving a small mark at the base of my neck.
"There all clean"
Her stopping suddenly left my mind blank. I wanted more.

So yeah expect smut next chapter I'll include a summary of anything important at the beginning

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