Evil Intent

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Peridot POV
Lapis was talking to pearl about something and seemed to be getting along well. I've always been a little closer to Amethyst than everyone else even if we started off on the wrong foot. Well I sorta started on the wrong foot with everyone.
"Ooooo peri you know what we should do?"
"I'm guessing this is gonna be an awful idea"
I lived in this house for a while but it's weird to think that amethyst would want me over. She never has pure intentions.
"Because I miss you"
"I highly doubt it"
"Just trust me it'll strengthen your relationship with lapis 10 fold"
I usually don't fall for her antics but something about strengthening my relationship sounds nice right now. Even if there may be some underlying motive.
"I'll ask lapis"
"YES! Alright go ask"
"Right now? But she's talking to pearl"
Pearl sighs as she hears amethyst scream her name. Seeing Amethyst this excited makes me realllyyyyy worried.
"Go ask she's not talking to pearl now"
I slowly regret my decision as I scoot closer to lapis.
"What did amethyst want with pearl?"
"Nothing important, hey listen amethyst wants to know if we wanna sleep over tonight"
"That's fishy"
"I guess but I do miss spending time here"
Lapis gave a suspicious glance at amethyst and let out a sigh.
"Alright then just keep an eye on that one"
I let amethyst know that we were in and she run to let everyone know about the plans and get some stuff ready. Now I'm very worried about what the hell we agreed to but it's too late to turn back, she already told Steven.
    Upon hearing the news Steven ran out with a half eaten bowl of chips and gave the goofiest smile I've ever seen.
"Yes Steven we are sleeping over no need to shout"
"Sorrryy it's just been so long since you've been here"
"It really hasn't I haven't been in school very long"
"Yeah but you don't visit, besides I haven't had you and lapis sleep over before"
"I don't think they'll be much of a difference."
    Steven set down the bowl of chips and went to get some more snacks he had been preparing. All the meanwhile pearl was asking us for anything we needed during the sleep over.
"I think we still have some spare clothes from when you both lived here"
    Lapis stayed at the house for a short while after leaving jasper and I stayed there for a longer time after running away from home. We both left a few clothes and some other things after we left, in case something happened and we needed to return.
"If we are missing something I can go grab it from the dorm and come back it's no trouble"
"No it's fine we should have everything"
    We sorted out all the plans for tonight and settled down to watch a movie. We decided against horror since last time Steven had nightmares. The next choice was a sappy romance movie on Netflix, it was pretty cliche but we picked it anyway.
    I don't generally like romantic movies so I sat on the couch near the snacks expecting to eat quite a bit to distract from the movie. Lapis and amethyst sat on either side of me presumably doing the same.
While the movie was going on I noticed amethyst sitting pretty close to me. She was being clingier than usual which meant that she probably wanted something. She would pretend to be tired so she can put a head on my shoulder despite it being like 4 pm. She would talk to me about things in the movie despite them being uninteresting and she would take any opportunity to touch me or look my way.
She definitely want to ask a favor or something.
"What do you want amethyst?"
"What ever do you mean"
"Your clingy, your only ever clingy when you want something"
"I'm insulted I just missed my best friend so much, is it wrong to want a hug or two after all this time"
She wrapped her arms around my neck and feigned offense.
"I'm not doing any favors cut the nice guy act"
She slowly leaned into my ear and whispered "Actually Im doing you a favor"
After that she backed away and gave a wink in my direction tho it didn't seem to be aimed at me. I ignored it and turned my attention back to the movie. It was in the middle of the cliche confession scene with the first kiss, perfect scenery, beautiful characters, and all that other junk. It's cute just highly unrealistic.
During the scene however, I noticed lapis inching closer to me. She scooted until our hands touched before slowly intertwining our pinky's then ring fingers. She kept going until she held my hand in hers. I turned to look at her but she was focused on the movie. Maybe she was feeling romantic
I kept her hand in mine while the movie continued. Near the end I noticed amethyst starting to scoot closer again. She was being annoying as usual so I thought about scooting away before something strange happened. Lapis let go of my hand and wrapped her arm around my waist. She pulled me close until I was practically on her lap.
There wasn't something going on in the movie that might have triggered it and lapis seemed more annoyed than lovey dovey. I turned to look at amethyst who was now smiling from ear to ear, almost instantly I knew what was happening, amethyst wanted to make lapis jealous and it was working. I knew that she didn't have good intentions. I glared at amethyst hoping she'd back off but she only got closer.
Shit it's gonna be a long day

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