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Peridot POV
The sun lit up the room forcing my eyes open. Lapis was still sleeping soundly somehow blocking out the fiery ball of death that had invaded the room. She had a small bit of drool on the side of her mouth and a strand of hair stuck firmly on.
I tried to lift an arm and move her hair out the way but something stopped me. My shoulders ached and last nights events slowly flooded my mind. My hands were still cuffed and I'm sure I'll have plenty of surprises to deal with all along my neck.
"Wake up"
"NoooOoOOoOo 5 more minutes"
"Lapis" I tired to ignore her adorable antics and keep my voice as stern as possible.
"Okay okay fine"
She slowly opened her eyes and sat up.
"Ugh the sun, can you close the curtains or something?"
"Well jeez I sure would love to but I'm a little tied up at moment"
Lapis rubbed the sleep from her eyes and got her first good look at me. She looked at my neck and smiled, probably admiring her work.
"You look good like that"
"Just uncuff me"
She laughed softly and went to look for the key. She put on the shirt she wore yesterday and found the key under the box.
"Stay still"
She crawled over and fiddled with the key. After a few seconds I heard a click and my restraints were finally off.
She scoffed
I stretched my arms trying to get rid of the stiff pain that arose from having my arms in the same position the whole night. 
Lapis tossed me a hoodie and I put it on quickly realizing that I had also been naked the entire time.
"Sorry by the way"
"Going a little overboard yesterday"
"It's fine it's not like I didn't enjoy it"
Lapis blushed at my blunt approach. Slowly I started to realize what I said and gave myself a mental facepalm.
"Sorry I didn't mean to say that last part out loud"
"You okay you seem a little agitated?"
"Yeah I'm fine probably just a little tired still"
I got up and put the cuffs in the box.
I would rather not have anyone know we used these
I tried to reach the top of the closet but winced the second I lifted my arms.
Damn it
My shoulders hurt more when I try to stretch them out too far.
"You sure you're alright?"
"Yeah my shoulders are just a little sore from sleeping with these"
She slowly took the box from my hand and put it back where it belongs.
She turned her attention back to me and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead
"Sorry I should've taken them off last night"
She had a pained expression on her face.
"No no it's fine it's not your fault I sorta forgot about it too"
She seemed to lighten up a little.
"Cmon we should clean up and head home, I think we've had enough excitement for a while"
She nodded and started picking up some of the scattered clothes. I helped and we packed up the bag we brought.
"Hey peridot?"
"You just gonna stay in that hoodie or?"
I realized that I was only wearing my hoodie and quickly took some clothes out of the bag and changed. Lapis did the same.
"Hey can you grab any trash you find outside?"
Once everything was like how it was when we arrived we were ready to go.
"Got the keys"
I tapped my pockets and felt the little bundle of metal.
We got in the car took one last look at the beautiful destination we were lucky enough to visit.
"We should come back here sometime"
I nodded and drive off as the cozy little camp site grew smaller and smaller until it was completely out of view.
"Hey peridot?"
"We should probably stop by a makeup store"
I turned confused
"Why? We both don't wear makeup unless it's a special occasion"
She pointed to the visible bruising on her neck
"I gotta hide this and you've got plenty to cover"
"I wonder who's fault that is"
She smirked
"What did I do!?"
"So you don't remember what happened with the marshmallows"
With everything that happened after I had almost forgotten about that.
"So you do remember"
I noticed a bright red blush on my face
"I honestly forgot about that"
"I have a constant reminder"
I took a good look at the mark on lapis's neck. It was not completely noticeable but I'd you look at her for just a little too long it's almost imposible to not see it.
"I don't know what got into me"
"You were certainly bolder than usual"
"No kidding we were both a lot more confident"
I pulled the collar of my hoodie a little lower so lapis could see the mess I'd have to hide. Some were very out in the open and some were hidden by my hoodie.
"Yeahhhh maybe I went a little overboard"
I rolled my eyes
"Here's a small drug store we might as well look for something to cover up before we forget"
Lapis nodded and I parked outside a store who's name I didn't recognize.
The lady at the register seemed very excited to have some customers and it was obvious why. The little store was almost completely empty which made sense since we were in the middle of no where.
"Found some make up"
I walked over to lapis who tried her best to match her shade.
"How's this?"
"Too orange"
"This one?"
"Too light"
She seemed a little frustrated now.
"Fine you find one then"
I picked up a color that seemed like it could work.
"This one"
She rubbed it in and it almost disappeared.
"See I know what I'm doing"
Actually it was very dumb luck but I couldn't let lapis know that. I spent a while picking out a color for me and lapis grabbed some snack. Not too long after we paid and got back on the road.
"Is it far?"
"How much longer?"
The car ride was mainly silent besides the occasional are we there yet.

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