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!!!!!!!!TW: Anxiety attack!!!!!!!!

Prompt: Misty is frustrated with Cordelia because she feels that she is spending so much time away from her and is spending it with a new member of the Coven, Ellie. 

POV: Misty

   I was down in the greenhouse, watering my plants. 

   *Not mine, our plants.* I thought to myself. 

   It was true, Cordelia and I had potted these flowers and succulents, but she was always too tired or too busy to do her half of the gardening. And I understood that, she was the supreme and she did have a lot on her plate. But, I felt as if she was just forgetting about everything she said she wanted to do with me. 

   I felt that she was forgetting me. 

   I walked over to the record player in the corner and turned it up. "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac was playing. I wanted to drown out all my negative thoughts and emotions, I didn't have the energy to deal with them right now. However, something kept tugging at the back of my mind. Thoughts of being a failure, being abandoned, the knowledge that I was so easily replaceable that it was almost comical. 

   *You weren't good enough for your own mother or sisters, why would you be good enough for Cordelia?* A sinister voice whispered. 

   I flinched a little and gripped the watering can. 

   *I'm doing my best.* I thought. 

   *Well your best fucking sucks.* 

   I jumped as I heard the door to the greenhouse open, and I saw it was Cordelia. She was smiling to herself. I quickly looked down, trying to suppress everything I had been feeling. 

   "Hey babe." She said, placing a gentle hand on my back. 

   "Hi." I said, turning and smiling to her. 

   "Ellie invited me to this seminar about teaching tonight. I figured that you wouldn't want to go, so we only got the two tickets. Is that okay?" 

   "I mean even if it isn't, that won't stop you, will it?" I asked, a hint more malice in my voice than I intended. 


   "I'm sorry. Yeah, it's fine. You go have fun." I said, not looking at her. 

   "You're upset. Why?" 

   I clutched the watering can harder, the voices in my head growing louder. 

   "It doesn't matter." I whispered. 

   "Yes it does. I can tell you're mad." 

   "It's fine! You just go be with Ellie for the 3rd night in a row while I stay here, watering plants, and being by myself even though I live with my girlfriend!" I finally snapped. 

   "Mist, I've been working. You know, I'm the supreme." 

   "Oh I know. You have to do so much work constantly yet you carve out time to be with other members of the Coven, like Ellie, and I'm just left on the side."

   The air felt heavy with my admissions. Cordelia stared at me, her eyes watering and her mouth moving like she wanted to say something, but couldn't figure out the proper words. I don't know how long we stood like that, just looking at each other. After some time, I heard footsteps descending to the greenhouse, and I quickly turned back around to the plants to shield myself from whoever came in. 

   I wasn't surprised when I heard Ellie's voice. 

   "Hey Ms. Cordelia, you ready to go?" She asked, not seeming to pick up the energy in the room.

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