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A/N: Happy late Halloween! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I wanted to write a oneshot but between school and other personal things I got a little busy, but better late than never! 

Prompt: It's Halloween time for Mary and Lana and they are ready to celebrate!

POV: 3rd person 

This Halloween, Lana and Mary were going to do a couple's costume, and it excited Lana more than she wanted to admit. Lana was being an angel while Mary was the devil, Mary's own idea. It had took Lana by surprise, but Mary said she didn't mind, so Lana didn't either. 

Lana added a little glitter on top of her white eye-shadow, then adjusted her dress. The two women had spent the last week crafting together to make bits of each others costumes to save money, and have more of an excuse to spend time together. In the last 4 years, the two women have been inseparable. Lana could remember few times that she wasn't with Mary, aside from work. Lana's friends from the publishing company would say, "If you see one, the other is sure to follow." 

"And there's nothing wrong with that." Lana would respond, giving Mary a kiss on the cheek, making the blonde woman giggle. 

"Hi angel." Mary said, walking into the bathroom and smiling at her own pun. 

"Hey little devil." Lana responded, wrapping her arms gently around the taller woman. 

Lana remembered when Mary was possessed. It was absolutely frightening for everyone involved. Lana had always wished she could have done more for the younger woman, but she was dealing with her own demon, namely Oliver Thredson. Lana had never been religious before, but Briarcliff Manor made her believe in the horrors of religion, namely the devil and its army. 

But, Mary had been Lana's own angel in disguise. She had saved her when she didn't know that she could be saved, Mary loved her when she was unlovable. And now, the brunette owed the blonde her life in more ways than one, and she intended on spending the rest of forever and a day with Mary Eunice. 

"Are you excited for tonight?" Mary asked, pulling Lana close to her. 

Lana nodded. "You know it's my favorite holiday." 

"That it is. And you make a very beautiful angel." 

"You aren't half bad yourself two horned cutie." 

Mary smiled, causing her nose to scrunch, one of Lana's favorite things about Mary, with her bright blue eyes, long blonde hair, fair complexion, and most of all, massive heart. She could hardly ever recall a time in the years that the two have been together where Mary said something negative about someone without following it with something positive about them. She always tried her best to give to those in need, even if they were just scammers. But Lana was always there to stop Mary from doing something when she sensed something was wrong, and she was usually right. 

"I still can't believe you're being the devil." 

"Why so?"

Lana shrugged. "I don't know, just with everything that happened..." Her voice trailed off.

"I know but that was in the past. I can never expect to get better if I don't learn to accept things for the way they were. And sometimes that means having a little fun with it I suppose." Mary flicked her black cape up with her wrist, an interesting detail that Lana never thought the devil would wear a cape. 

Maybe Prada, but not a cape. 

Lana smiled in agreement, then looked in the mirror. She saw her life in the mirror, Mary holding her. It was all she wanted, all she needed in this life to get through. 

Suddenly, Mary smacked Lana's butt with a bit of force. Lana turned to look at Mary, a little surprised but more turned on. 

"Well look at that." Mary said, smirking, "The devil made an angel blush." 

Lana laughed and shook her head, then pecked Mary's soft lips. "Come on pitchfork, we have candy to eat." 

"That candy is for the kids, and Trick or Treating hasn't even started yet." 

"I never said it was food candy I was hungry for." Lana said in a low voice, her hand trailing dangerously close inside Mary's thigh, causing the younger woman to blush. 

"Well look at that." Lana said in a mocking tone, "An angel made the devil blush." 

 Mary huffed, rolled her eyes, and left the bathroom, but the older woman knew she had gotten her way. She smirked to herself then followed Mary out of the bathroom and into the main room of their apartment that was filled with Halloween decorations, with a giant bowl of candy sitting on the small entry table. Little orange lights decorated the window of their apartment with a skeleton on their door. They had a little black cat on the window sill with an arched back, tail curved up. 

"Trick or Treating is only supposed to last two hours tonight." Lana said, checking the clock on the microwave that said 5:15, only 15 more minutes. 

"It's sad that we have to limit the time now, people are just getting worse by the day." Mary replied, biting her nails. 

The brunette gently grabbed the blonde's hand, kissing her knuckles to stop her from biting her nails. "That isn't good for you baby." 

"I know, I'm sorry. I just get nervous." 

"I know you do, but I'm here to protect you, always." 

The two women smiled at each other and then their lips were connected. Everything felt perfect again. Lana felt like she could conquer the world and more with Mary by her side, holding her hand. She felt like anything was possible. 

The kiss was brief because the doorbell rang, signaling that trick or treat was starting early. The two women parted, still smiling. 

"I love you angel." 

"I love you devil." 

"Now, lets give these kids treats and I'll show you some of my tricks later." Mary said, winking at Lana, who laughed and followed her girlfriend to the door. 

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