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A/N: This prompt may seem a little silly but a deep fear of mine is that I will be in the middle of something very important and my appendix will burst. I don't know why. I even asked my doctor about it and she laughed at me! But, one man's fear is another's great idea for a story of two women who are in love! I hope you enjoy! 

Prompt: Mary's appendix burst so Lana takes her to a hospital.

POV: 3rd person

   "Ellie! Don't shove him into the pool!" Riley yelled from across the body of water.

   "But Daddy, he-"

   "No buts!" Lizzy yelled back. 

   Ellie sighed and jumped into the pool, refusing to acknowledge her brother , Noah, that was swimming next to her. Mary and Lana looked at each other, thankful that they often only watched their neighbors two children instead of having kids themselves. 

   Riley and Lizzy have been neighbors to Lana and Mary for 6 years. When they first moved in, Ellie was only 1 and Noah still had 2 more years before he was born. The pair became fast friends when Riley and Lizzy realized that Mary and Lana were a queer couple. Riley, Lizzy, and Ellie moved from Minnesota to Boston for Riley's work and to be closer to well-maintained hospitals in the area since Riley recently started taking testosterone and is looking into practices that was safe to perform top surgery. 

   Mary and Lana would watch Ellie and Noah while their parents went to doctors appointments. Lizzy was very supportive of her husband's transitioning and would often express her thanks to the other two women how glad she was to have found amazing friends who were now more like family. 

    For the last few Saturday's in July, Lana and Mary have been going over to their neighbors house to swim, have some alcohol, and catch up while playing with the kids. It helped Mary face her anxieties about being at the pool with other people because of the incident many years ago.  

   Mary didn't drink often at the little "pool party" as the kids called it. In fact, she didn't drink often at all. Even before Briarcliff, she never really enjoyed alcohol. It burned her throat in awful ways and made her burp until she threw up. So she usually opted for some apple juice. 

   "Mommy, can we have some ice cream?" Noah asked, swimming to the edge of the pool. His big brown eyes looked up, pleading to have a treat. His dark brown skin shined against the sunlight and the waves rippled as he moved his legs to keep himself afloat. 

   "Yes, but you have to come out of the pool." Lizzy replied, her equally brown skin protected by the shade of the roof. 

   "Come on Ellie! Ice cream time!" Noah called to his older sister, and both children ran out of the pool to grab their vanilla ice cream comes with chocolate syrup on top. 

   "Can I sit with you Aunt Lana?" Ellie asked. 

   "You don't have to ask silly. Just wrap up in a towel so I don't get wet." Lana replied, smiling to the girl in front of her who immediately grabbed her towel, wrapped herself in it, and sat down beside Lana, leaning her drenched hair onto the older woman's arm. 

   Noah grabbed his ice cream and towel and claimed his spot on Mary's lap by jumping on her. 

   "Easy dude! I don't feel too well today." Mary said gently, tying her long blonde hair into a bun on top of her head. 

   "What's wrong Aunt Mary?" He asked, concern etched into his young face. 

    "My stomach hurts. Not like I'm going to get sick, but just pain." 

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