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Hello hello everyone! I am SO sorry I have not updated this story in sooo long. I have recently had some life changes (I'll write it in a separate A/N so that those who want to read can!) that creative writing has taken a step back. But for tonight, I can't sleep, so I figured I would write a little one shot of everyone's fave ghost and medium being soft :')

Prompt: Billie Dean is having trouble falling asleep, so Nora makes a cozy environment

POV: Billie Dean

    I rolled over and checked my phone. 2:30 a.m. in the morning. I groaned and rolled onto my back, looking at the dark blue ceiling above. My heart was racing and my body felt tense, though I could think of no reason that I would be experiencing anxiety at the moment. Of course, I knew that meant nothing. Anxiety doesn't always need a reason, it just is. 

   Few sounds other than footsteps, hushed teenage conversations, and fans came from the house. Everyone preferred a colder climate, and I didn't mind the comfort of warm blankets. A soft yellow light came from the lamp sitting on Nora's bedside table that was always on at night, so that she could see to do what she pleased. 

   And, judging by the absent space beside me in bed, that was what she was currently doing. 

   Nora Montgomery. Lady of the house. A woman with a harsh exterior, harsh interior, but carried a softness reserved for few. I was one of the lucky ones who usually was afforded the softness. She had her days, but I admire her for the hard work she has done on herself, for herself. Over the 3 years we have been together, I have gotten to know the most intimate parts of her, held her hurt in my hurt, and cradled her with it. And with that, she began healing. 

   She constantly tells me I saved her. But I always remind her that I didn't. Nora saved herself. 

   I smiled thinking of her. I reflected on the hard work I did for myself as well. I realized that, while I love my work, it was consuming me. I had no hobbies or true passions. I was always at a house, researching a house, or writing about the house and the ghosts within. I began having nightmares, which resulted in insomnia. This caused me to focus on my work more, as an escape. A vicious cycle ensued, until I had a breakdown at work. I was told to take time off, and return when I was ready. 

   That day, I drove around for a while. I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going. I ended up at the Murder House. I remember thinking what a cruel irony it was that I ended here. But, seemingly against my will, my legs carried me inside, all the way to the basement. There, I collapsed at Nora's feet and began crying, telling her everything. 

   I expected a lot of various, harsh responses. What I did not expect was two gentle arms holding me, and a deep but soothing voice whispering to me that it was okay, to let it out. 

   Since then, things have been better. I found hobbies, including making coffee and painting. I began spending more time with Nora, as well as other friends outside the house. Like Nora, I have my bad days, and bad nightmares still, but I have a new idea of myself and the life I want for myself and the one with Nora. 

   Pondering on this, I leaned over, and pulled a cigarette and lighter out of my bedside drawer. As I flicked the lighter, our bedroom door opened. Nora was wearing a white nightgown that landed around her ankles. Her hair was done in the same style that I have seen since the first day I met her. Her pale face and body seemed to glow in the light of the lamp. 

   "You know I don't like you smoking in the house." She said, her brilliant blue eyes on me, yet her mouth betraying a small smile. 

   "I just wanted to get you up here quickly." I replied, my grin widening as I let go of the trigger and tossed the lighter in the drawer. 

   "There are other ways to do that, you know?" 

   "If I don't keep you on your toes, who will?"

   She scoffed and rolled her eyes, coming to the bed as I put the cigarette in the drawer and closed it. 

   "Why are you awake, my love? Did you have a nightmare?" Nora asked, her gentle tone immediately soothing my anxiety. 

   "No, just can't sleep."

   "I'm sorry." She placed a small kiss on my temple. 

   "It's okay. What have you been doing?" 

   "Well, I made some tea, watched a couple of my shows. I was reading when I heard your lighter." 

   "You must have super hearing." 

   "I just listen for what's important." She winked. "Do you want to talk about anything?" 

   "No. I'm okay, really. Just not able to sleep." 

   "Come with me then." 

   Nora got up, extending her hand to me. I got up and took it, wrapping my robe around me. We walked into the kitchen where she set a teapot and got out a bit of chamomile tea. I don't know what's in it, but it usually puts me right to sleep. Once boiled, she poured it into one of my cups, with some milk to help even out the temperature. She handed me my drink, took my hand, and led me back upstairs.

   Once back into our room, she turned on the tv and set out some more blankets. 

   "You cold?" I asked, settling under the blankets. 

   "No silly, but I know you are, even if you won't say it."

   "How do you know?" 

   "Because Billie Dean, I know you. For as much as you can read me, I can read you." She answered, her hand resting on my cheek. 

   I looked up at her with admiration, love, and a pure smile. She smiled down at me as she crawled under the covers. I continued sipping my drink as she flipped through the available movies, landing on one of my favorites. 

   "It's only August." I joked. 

   "It's always Halloween in this house, lovie." And she turned on Halloweentown. 

   As the movie began, I finished my tea and set it to the side. I snuggled to Nora, resting my head on her chest. Light fingers began playing with my hair. I began rising and falling with Nora's breathing pattern, something she learned to do when she found out it comforted me after a nightmare. 

   About halfway through, I felt my eyelids growing heavy. 



   "I'm getting sleepy." 

   "Then rest my love. I'll stay up and watch the movie to tell you how it ends." She answered, earning a light chuckle. 

   "I love you, Nora. Always and forever." 

   "I love you, Billie Dean. Always and forever." 

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