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Prompt: It's everyone's favorite time of year, Halloween! The girls of the Coven celebrate Halloween, and they all have a few tricks up their sleeves, with only a few treats to spare. 

POV: Cordelia 

Halloween. An extremely overrated holiday. I never got the appeal of it all. Why would anyone want to willingly be scared? I shook my head to myself as I finished some of the paperwork in my office, got up, and went to find my girlfriend, Misty. 

Surprisingly, Misty loves Halloween. She loves the candy, the scares, the thrill of it all. She has been begging since last Halloween to do a couples costume with me this year, and so we are. She was dressing up as a chick and I was going to be the chick magnet. 

Remember, this was Misty's idea, not mine. 

I began walking up the stairs when I heard arguing coming from Zoe's room. It sounded like her and Misty. 

"I asked ya not to use my stuff!" Misty exclaimed. 

"It's not yours, it's ours! Did you ever learn how to share?" Zoe yelled. 

"Did ya ever learn to not kill people with your vag?!" Misty yelled back. 

As I got to the door of the room to defuse the situation, I saw Zoe bring out a knife and plunge it into Misty's chest. I screamed as I saw blood pour from Misty's chest, and I used my force to throw Zoe against the wall. I ran to Misty who seemed to be crying, unable to make noise. 

"It's okay, it's okay Misty." I said as I began trying to tourniquet her, when I realized she was not crying from sadness or fear, but she was laughing. Her and Zoe both. 

"Delia Delia calm down! It's fake!" She said in between fits of laughter. I winced as Misty pulled the fake knife out from her shawl where it missed her chest, and began cleaning up the fake blood on her shirt. 

I immediately turned to Zoe, who was slumped against the wall, holding her belly. I was a little upset but did my best to hide it, smiling. 

"You girls got me there." I said through gritted teeth. 

Misty wiped tears from her eyes and took in deep breaths, even though she still had little giggles slip out. She walked over to Zoe and helped calm her down, even though Zoe got the hiccups. 

"I'm going to go get some water. Happy Halloween Cordelia!" She said, bouncing out of the room, acting as if nothing had happened. 

"Come on babe, lets go get ready!" Misty said, taking my hand and pecking me on the lips. 

Suddenly, I forgot about my anger and smiled. "Yeah, lets go." 

We went to my bedroom where our costumes were hanging up. She easily slipped on her chick costume, laughing at it. I used pieces of velcro to put the piece of cardboard on my flat chest that had been cut and drawn to look like a magnet. All over my shirt were also pieces of Misty's "feathers", just little tufts so that people got the idea. I pulled my straight blonde hair back into a ponytail because I knew I would be drinking tonight, and it was better for everyone if I planned ahead. I was not like the other girls, I cannot handle my drinks very well, although I have gotten better. 

"Ya look so cute Dee." Misty cooed, pulling me to her by my waist. 

"Not as cute as you." I replied, nibbling on her earlobe. 

She hummed above me, and I moved to kiss her neck. I moved the collar of her costume down a bit to her pulse point, and bit down. I earned a quiet gasp from her as I quickly ran the spot over with my tongue. Her hips bucked against mine and I let my hands travel up to grab her breasts gently, then I heard the doorbell ring. 

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