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A/N: Contains smut

Prompt: Christmas time has arrived for the Coven and everyone is celebrating!

POV: Cordelia

  Christmas Eve/Christmas Day/Hanukkah/The holidays in general was always crazy in the Coven. For Hanukkah, we had quite a few dreidel's and menorah's for those that celebrated, and they did their own version of "Secret Santa" where they each got each other something different for the eight different days. On Christmas Eve, we got all the students together and watched some holiday movies while eating cookies and drinking hot cocoa. Some of them spiked their hot cocoa, some didn't. They were all adults so I let them make their own choices, so long as they didn't leave the Academy if they did drink. A few of the students commuted, but we made extra space in the main room so that if they needed to or wanted to stay the night, they could. We usually had every student in the Academy for Christmas Eve and part of Christmas Day. 

  On Christmas Day, we did Secret Santa for everyone. After that, the students were free to do what they wanted, so long as they didn't leave the house a mess. Ever since I was young, we had this tradition. And I wanted to uphold it. 

  But this year is a little different as well. This Christmas is mine and Misty's first Christmas together as official girlfriends. She's been eyeing a couple of things, but she rarely buys gifts for herself so she's been holding out for a while. One thing she's been wanting that I got her is called "The Growing Candle" where, after you burn a candle, there are seeds attached to the container, so it holds the new flowers as well. Another thing I bought her was a succulent wall hanger frame that shapes into a heart that we could put in the greenhouse or at her hut. The last piece I got her isn't really for her, it's black lingerie with white flowers on it and short mesh sleeves. 

  I don't know what Misty got me, we're both good about keeping presents from each other. But I know that, whatever it is, I'll love it. Just like she'll love mine. I mean, part of her gift is literally me so I do hope she loves it. 

  "Ms. Cordelia! It's time for the movie to start!" One of the students, Rae said.

  "I'll be there in a minute. Thank you." I said, smiling. 

  Rae nodded and left my office, then walked down the stairs where I heard them talking to other students. I was finishing up some last minute paperwork before the holiday "officially" started. As I signed the last contract, I started thinking of my time at the Academy. If we're being honest, I blocked a lot of it out until Misty got here. The Coven before Misty was hell. With Hank, Fiona, all the girls being my responsibility, the only person I really had was Myrtle. Nothing against Myrtle at all, but, it got lonely and depressing rather quickly. 

  But then, when Misty showed up, everything changed. 

  We became close friends because of the work we did in the greenhouse together. She taught me about the various flowers and plants that could be grown and different ways to grow them that weren't conventional. In the lessons about gardening, she inadvertently taught me more about myself. How you couldn't expect something to grow if you keep it in the same shitty environment. I tried to keep this lesson, and others, close to my heart as I went on. It was difficult though because I used to not be the confrontational type, not that I really am now either. But I have gotten better.

  Misty did stand up for me when she could though. Hank was, is, a piece of garbage and, when Misty was around, she didn't let him treat me however he wanted. Fiona was a different story, no one stood up to her. She was too powerful, filled with too much spite and hatred for others. 

  But Misty made me feel better. She made me feel protected and loved. We spent countless hours in each others rooms, just talking about life. Some nights ended in crying, others ended with us laying on the floor laughing. She was my person and I wanted everything with her and only her. 

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