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Prompt: Mary Eunice is having nightmares of the asylum and starts having a panic attack

POV: Mary Eunice 

I was sitting in Sister Jude's office, waiting. Except I wasn't sitting. I was strapped to the chair. Something was wrong, horribly wrong. I heard the door open behind me and I jumped. Footsteps entered the room, more than one pair. I craned my neck to see, but my cheek was slapped and a yelp escaped me. The room started getting smaller, darker. The silhouette's of the people stood in front of me. Then I realized that I was no longer sitting in the office, but laying on one of the asylum beds, a familiar humming sound beside my head. 

The electroshock machine. 

I attempted to jerk my body up, but the restraints held me down, I was trapped with the mystery figures. 

"Don't be so afraid Sister Mary." A voice called in the darkness, and I immediately recognized it as Sister Jude's. 

"Your treatment will only melt your brain into a pathetic puddle. Not like there was much in there to begin with." The second voice said. I also recognized it as Dr. Arden's. 

"W-Why?!" I cried, helplessly. 

"You need to pay for your sins you disgusting homosexual." The last voice said, which hurt and scared me most of all. 

It belonged to Lana Winters.

The machine roared to life beside me as all the figures came into view and I saw it was not only their voices, but Sister Jude's, Dr. Arden's, and Lana's in the flesh. Fear mixed with adrenaline coursed through my veins as I screamed, but it was drowned out by the sinister cackling of the three individuals. 

They each blinked and revealed completely black iris's and glowing blood red where the whites of their eyes should have been. Their teeth were massive fangs and their hands which were reaching out for me had turned into claws. 

"You'll never escape me!" They all screamed, but their voice was the exact same, a low and scary pitch. One that I was forced to learn so well. 

I felt the cotton on either side of my head and my body quivered with fear. Sister Jude shoved the rubber guard in my mouth as they continued cackling and chanting, "You'll never escape me!" 

Then, Lana reached over and flipped the switch on the machine-

I shot up in my bed, panting. My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, and I couldn't breathe. I was shaking violently, so much so that the bed was rocking with me. I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean, being plunged under water over and over, going under without getting a single chance to take a breath. I gasped loudly, trying to get a grip on reality. 

Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder. 

I screamed and turned around, seeing it was Lana. Deep in my heart, I knew it was her, the real Lana. But in the moment, I jumped out of the bed, not being able to distinguish fact from fiction. I cried hard and hugged myself tightly, standing on shaky legs. 

"Mary, baby, what's happened?" Lana asked, shaking off her sleepiness. 

"N-No pl-lease." I whimpered, my eyes locked on the brunette who was rubbing her eyes. 

She turned to look at me and my heart sank into my stomach. The iris of her eyes were large black holes, and the blood red replaced the whites of her eyes. I looked over at the little clock on our bedside table and saw it was 3:33 a.m. The witching hour. 

"What is it?" She hissed, crawling out of bed to me. 

The world around me started spinning. Every time I blinked, Lana would transition between her true self and a demonic hallucination, but one stable thing was her moving towards me. I couldn't feel any part of my body. Nothing would work. I was frozen in place, unable to protect myself. 

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