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Prompt: Cordelia and Misty go to Pride together 

POV: 3rd person

  "Babe, have ya seen my rainbow skirt?" Misty yelled from the bedroom. 

  "Check in the back of the closet!" Cordelia yelled back. 

  "Quit moving, I'll smudge your makeup on accident." Zoe said, moving Cordelia's head to face her own. 

  Cordelia kept her gaze on the shower head that was beside Zoe's face as she worked on perfecting the eye shadow on Cordelia's eyelids. The design was rainbow with little white clouds at the end. Zoe was getting better with makeup, so much so that she had a little clientele around the Academy. 

  She was working on perfecting Cordelia's makeup for the Pride event that was happening in an hour. It was not the first time Cordelia, Misty, or any members of the Academy had been. They usually went to support other members, whether they were publicly out or not. The girls knew that Cordelia and Misty were dating and that they were both loving and accepting of every lifestyle, so long as it wasn't hurting anyone. 

  Every member of the Academy deserved to be happy, to feel safe, and to feel loved. 

  But the past couple of years that the women of the Academy have been to Pride has been for other special reasons. Cordelia and Misty have been dating for a couple of years, and this is the third Pride that they've been to together. The pair love celebrating themselves, others, and the history that has led to the present.

  "Found it!" Misty yelled back and Cordelia snorted. 

  "There. Done." Zoe said, sitting back and smiling. 

  She handed Cordelia a mirror to look at the job she had done. She smiled widely and looked back up at Zoe with approval.

  "We gotta get going soon if we want to get some of the good food!" Nan said, poking her head into the bedroom then running off. 

  Zoe put her supplies away and went back to her room. Misty walked into the bathroom wearing a light pink button up with a knot in the front, a rainbow skirt, and no shoes. Cordelia was wearing a tie-dye shirt with white overalls that had a rainbow heart patch on the center. She also had white converse shoes with rainbow laces, the outfits were specifically put together by Queenie since neither Misty or Cordelia had a fashionable bone in their bodies. 

  "Ya look perfect." Misty said, walking over to Cordelia with a broad smile on her face. 

  "You look gorgeous." Cordelia replied, pecking Misty's lips. 

  "We gotta be careful when we kiss, I don't want us to smudge our lipsticks that Zoe worked so hard on."

  "You're right. But we also can just re-apply it ourselves." 

  "We're not makeup artists though." 

"No, you're not a makeup artist. I can re-apply lipstick at least." Cordelia said, shrugging. 

  Misty rolled her eyes but gave a laugh as she turned, grabbed her shoulder bag, took her girlfriends hand, and went out into the hallway, descending the stairs to the main room of the Academy. 

  All of the members of the Academy, no matter their sexuality or gender identity, were in attendance. It made Cordelia's heart happy to see the love, support, and acceptance from all of her girls. And they all looked equally nice in their Pride attire. 

  "Well, lets go y'all!" Queenie said as soon as she saw Cordelia and Misty. 

  "Everyone stick together!" Cordelia said over the voices of her students rushing out the door. 

  The Academy was not far from downtown New Orleans, where the parade was happening. She knew it was a bit juvenile, but Cordelia made everyone choose at least one person that they would stick with through the masses of people at this event. She just wanted everyone to stay safe and to have a good time. 

  "So, where we goin' first?" Misty asked, looking around at the vendors on the sidewalks. 

  The pair looked around, Misty was desperately trying to answer her own question. She loved walking around with no place in particular to go, when there was no one else around. But Misty did have a little bit of social anxiety and didn't enjoy large crowds, though she could tolerate them. She enjoyed having somewhere to go, a designated place that she could claim her own, even amidst the swarms of people passing by her. 

  "What about there?" Misty said, pointing to a vendor that had a cart of books. 

  Before Cordelia could even confirm, she felt Misty pulling her arm towards the piles of books. That was one thing Cordelia picked up about Misty, she was always reading, always learning. Any book she could get cheap, she got. Every bookshelf in the Academy was full of books, most of them bought by Misty. It made Cordelia proud that her girlfriend was so interested in educating herself and wanting others to learn as well. 

  "Look Dee! They have "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, "Fried Green Tomatoes" by Fannie Flagg, "Annie John" by Jamaica Kincaid!" Misty squealed, picking up and putting down different book covers and listing off the titles and their authors. 

  Cordelia nodded along, knowing all the books she was talking about. As much as Misty loved to read to herself, she also loved reading to Cordelia. Misty's New Orleans accented voice carried warmth and comfort with the spirit of the woman that voiced it. Listening to her lover tell her stories of other women before them who were in love just like them made Cordelia weak in every sense. 

  She turned to look at the streets. People walked by, holding signs of love and acceptance. Cordelia knew that further down the road, people who claimed to be Christians would be on the sidewalks as well, telling people like Misty, the sweetest, loveliest, kindest people in the world, that they were going to go to hell for their sexuality. Though they were not always immune to the insults, Cordelia and Misty were used to the insults and the convictions. 

  But right now, the two wanted to enjoy each other. 

  "Hey Mist look." Cordelia said, taking a couple steps from her girlfriend to look at a lesbian Pride flag. 

  "We should get one for our bedroom." Cordelia said, looking to Misty for an agreement. 

  "Yeah we should!" Misty said, ditching the books and joining her girlfriends side. 

  "How much?" Cordelia asked. 

  "$5.00" The woman said. 

  Cordelia handed the money to the seller and smiled at the different shades of pink on the fabric that was in her hands. She felt that the label "lesbian" was the best to fit her. She had been forced into a relationship with Hank, and she hated every minute of it. But with Misty, it was different. With any woman, it had felt different. It was love. It was where she wanted to be. 

  Misty held up another end of the flag to keep it from falling to the ground. Cordelia decided to wrap herself and Misty in the fabric, and the two women gazed at each other. 

  "Happy Pride my baby." Cordelia said. 

  "Happy Pride my princess." Misty replied, kissing Cordelia's lips gently. 

  Suddenly, they heard a shutter click behind them. They turned around to see a smiling Queenie, printing a Polaroid picture. 

  "Don't worry", she said, holding up the now developed picture of them kissing while being wrapped in the lesbian pride flag. "This will look lovely on the fridge door."  

  Cordelia agreed that it would. 

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