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Happy National Coming Out Day! Whether you're out or still in the closet, you deserve to be celebrated! No matter your identity, you deserve to be celebrated! You are loved and appreciated! I am a safe place to talk to and you can always come out on your own terms! 

Prompt: Cordelia and Misty come out to each other (I'm a basic bitch leave me alone)

POV: 3rd person

   Misty Day and Cordelia Goode have much in common. They both love the outdoors, they love to help others, they love learning, and they both have feelings for each other. 

   The problem with the latter is that they haven't shared their feelings with each other. 

   Misty grew up in a conservative hometown. She saw many women get beaten by their husbands, saw women being hung for reporting their abusers. She watched the men in the town assert their dominance over any woman or child who dared try them. She heard stories of how people would chase the homosexuals out of their town, no matter their age or gender. She vividly remembers being burned at the stake, despite the fact that she brought life to other things. 

   Cordelia also grew up in a conservative hometown. Her mother always told Cordelia that she would marry a man, never the chance for a woman. People would hear the word "queer" and wrinkle their noses. People protected the men that brought abuse into their house and into their communities, and instead blamed the victims, no matter how heinous the crime was. Even though Fiona wasn't a racist, she was a homophobe and it bothers her to this day. 

   Through the many months the two have spent at Ms. Robichaux's Academy, they have shared their pasts with one another. They're best friends, but both wish that they were more. But, because of past trauma and fear of rejection, they find it hard to get the words out to one another. 

   One day, on a warm night in October, they were working in the greenhouse together. It was their nightly ritual to get to be alone and talk about whatever they wanted while doing the things that they loved. Misty was tending to the ferns and Cordelia was watering the roses and lavender flowers. 

   "Did you get to finish your concilium report?" Cordelia asked. 

   "Yes ma'am. I put it on your desk before I got down here." 

   "Thank you. These hydrangea's are growing so quickly."

   "They are. I ain't seen them grow like that in a while." 

   "I guess us talking sweetly to them does make them grow." Cordelia joked as she finished watering the last flower. 

   "Yeah I suppose so." Misty answered. 

   A comfortable silence followed but both women felt tension in their chest, wanting to confess their feelings for the other. 

   "Delia?" Misty finally asked. 


   "Did ya ever know someone who" 

   Cordelia's heart jumped into her throat. This was the moment she supposed. But it seemed weird for her to start with a question like that. 

   "Yeah I did." She answered, smiling at the memory of the boy. 

   "Do you still know them?"

   She shook her head. 

   "What happened?" 

   "His name is Ray. We were best friends in middle school. He was out openly, despite the bullying he endured. He said it didn't get to him, but...I think it did. One day he came over to my house, we did the usual stuff. Homework, read, whatever. Before he left he hugged me close. He let go of me and smiled widely and said, 'Thank you for everything Dee.' Before I could ask him what he meant, he was out the door. I didn't think much else of it until he wasn't at school the next day. Some people said he ran away but I didn't believe them." 

   Cordelia sniffled at the memory. Misty set down her tools and walked towards her. 

   "Ya don't have to continue." Misty whispered. 

   "No it-it's okay. He did run away. He ran for a while in fact. But 4 months later there was-there was a body found in a ditch. R-Ray had been hit by a car." Cordelia choked out, then quickly wiped her eyes. 

   "Oh Dee, I'm so sorry." Misty said quietly, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. 

   "The coroner said he died on impact, which was good I guess. He didn't hurt." 

   Misty didn't know what to say, so she didn't. She kept her arm around the woman she cared so deeply for and rubbed her back. Cordelia sniffled a little more then wiped her tears, finally looking to Misty. 

   "Why do you ask?" 

   "I uh-I'm also g-gay." Misty stuttered out, removing her arm from around Cordelia and looking down. 

   Cordelia immediately perked up at this admission. She felt a little dizzy from the sudden rush of energy but kept herself stable. 

   "You are?" 

   "Well technically a lesbian I guess." 

   "That's awesome Mist." Cordelia said, putting her hand on top of the younger blonde's. 

   "Thank ya for being so kind about it and accepting me." 

   "Of course. I ought to support you since I'm bisexual." Cordelia said with a smile. 

   "You are?" Misty asked, whipping her head to face the older woman. 

   "Yeah I am. I guess because of what happened with Ray and-and the fear treating me different." 

   "Awww Delia I wouldn't ever do that to you. You mean more than the world to me."

   "You mean the world to me too Mist." 

   Then, it was Cordelia's turn to get brave. 

   "I have another confession." She said, looking up to meet Misty's pale blue eyes. 

   "Yeah?" Misty said, her heart hammering in her chest. 

   "I like you a lot too, m-more than a friend." 

   Butterflies erupted in Misty's stomach. She thought she might faint. Her feet began to go numb and her arms tingled. She stared into Cordelia's big, chocolate brown eyes, knowing that she was telling the truth. 

   Cordelia searched the baby blue eyes that swept her off her feet. She wanted every inch of Misty, to love her fully and wholly, without worry of others. But the longer she took to respond, the more Cordelia worried. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe she should've waited. 

   Misty leaned forward and crashed her lips into Cordelia's. Electricity soared through each woman, connecting them in unexplainable ways. The plants around them began to blossom and grow even more, giving more energy to the room. The pair grasped for each other, keeping them down to Earth. They began to slow the kiss down a bit to gentle pecks, then pulled back the slightest for air.

   "I take it you feel the same?" Cordelia joked, rubbing her thumb on Misty's jaw.

   "I've been waiting for you to say that since the day I met you." Misty answered, resting her hands securely on Cordelia's waist. 

   "Then there's not a moment to waste." She replied, attaching her lips to Misty's. 

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