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AU where Nora can get hungover but is still dead lol 

Prompt: Nora gets drunk and Billie Dean takes care of her. 

POV: Billie Dean

   When I walked into the mansion of a home, something was off. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it was different. I could feel it in my soul. I stood in the entrance way for a minute, trying to gauge the shift. I heard giggling coming from the main room, as well as voices. As I walked into the room, I was a little shocked. 

   Nora, Tate, Vivien, and Violet were sitting on the couch, laughing. Between them was a few bottles of alcohol, 4 shot glasses, and 4 wine glasses. 

   I had never seen Nora drink anything other than the occasional wine with a fancy dinner. Yet here she was, in a state I had never seen her in. It did surprise me less though that she was with Tate, Violet, and Vivian because they had been talking a bit since Nora has come out of her shell. In the year and a half that we've been dating, I've seen her grow into her own person more. Of course she's still feisty, opinionated, and hard-headed, but she's more compassionate to others, tries to make things work, she cares for me and for others. 

   That's why I'm so deeply in love with her. 

   "Biiillllliiieeeee!" Nora squealed as she noticed me. I saw her attempting to get up and I quickly ran over to greet her lest she fell over and injured herself. 

   "Hi baby." I said, smiling. 


   "She's a light weight." Violet said, taking another sip of alcohol.

   "How much has she had?"

   "About 3 shots and 2 glasses of wine." Tate said, shrugging.

   "Vivien!" I said, almost shrieking. 

   "What?! It's not like it's going to kill her!" Vivien responded.

   "She'll have one hell of a hangover!"

   "Sounds like a you problem babe." Violet said, smirking. 

   I sighed as I looked back to my girlfriend who was leaning against my arm, humming. 

   "C'mon princess, lets get you upstairs." I said, slipping my arm under her knees.

   "Noooo! I want more alcohoool." Nora whined. 

   "No, you're done for tonight. We all are." Vivien said, screwing the caps back onto the bottles. 

   "No fair! Just because she's a light weight doesn't mean we have to stop!" Tate argued.

   "You're both underage." I said, putting my other arm behind Nora's shoulders.

   "We're like, a billion years old Billie Dean." 

   "Hey! Don't you talk to her like that." Nora slurred, pointing a finger at Tate. 

   "Yeah, you're done." I said, picking Nora up bridal style. 

   "I'll be baaaack!" Nora said, then laid her head into the crook of my neck as I carried her up to our room. 

   Once there, I laid her down on the bed and dropped my bags from work. I turned around to put my stuff on my desk when I heard a sultry voice from behind. 

   "Billlieee." Nora said.

   I turned around to my girlfriends half-naked body on the bed. Somehow in the time I had turned from her, she had discarded her shirt and pants and was only in a rose red bra and nude underwear. 

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