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Prompt: It's the 13th anniversary of when Mary lost one of her loved ones and she still has a hard time dealing with the death but Lana comforts her 

POV: Mary

   I cut the green stems of the red poppy flowers and put them into the vase that sat on the dining room table. I sighed and turned around to put the scissors back into the drawer and went into the living room. Mom had gone through some stuff in the attic and found old pictures which she gave to me to look through. I had gotten through all the envelopes of photos except one that was titled "Mary and Larry." 

   Larry was my grandfather. Of course I didn't call him Larry. I called him Gramps. I was the oldest of the grandkids, but there was only two below me, my cousins. Gramps and my grandmother, Meme, would visit us as often as we could. My aunt, uncle, and cousins were always so busy that I saw Meme and Gramps more than they did, even though we lived further away. 

   Growing up, Gramps was my best friend. 

   He always played along with my silly ideas. We went on little outdoor adventures. He read to me. We assembled a little trainset together every Christmas. Ever since I learned to walk, we had a ritual called "The Best Big Buddy Hug." I would go to the other side of the house and run into his arms to hug him. As I got older, he had to put pillows in front of him to protect himself. He was always happy, he reminded me of Santa. He also loved yard sales, if he saw one we would immediately have to pull off the road to look at what they had. 

   I looked up to him in every way possible. Everything I did was to make him proud of me. 

   Then, he started losing weight. He started having to use a walker. My grandparents weren't able to come as often because Gramps had doctors appointments. It wasn't until a year later that my parents told me that they had finally diagnosed Gramps's problem. 

   Lung cancer. 

   I was angry. I refused to believe cancer had a hold on my grandfather. The nicest, gentlest man on the face of the Earth has cancer. I screamed into the forest. I screamed at God. I screamed at anyone that would listen. But my grandparents and parents assured me that Gramps was getting the best care possible, that he was going to be okay. I then made more of an effort to call them and to see them when I could, even for the briefest moment. 

   And for a while, that's how everything stayed. We adapted to a new normal that consisted of more medications for him, different diet, different everything. But it was okay because it was keeping Gramps alive and well. We still went on our little adventures, I was still able to give him "The Best Big Buddy Hug", everything was okay.

   But on November 7th, 2007, Mom picked me up early from choir practice. She said we needed to go home. It was also my Dad's birthday, so I thought that we were going to celebrate. But when we got home, my dad was sitting in his chair staring at the wall with red rimmed eyes. Mom sat me on the couch and refused to look at me. 

   "Gramps died." 

   I laughed. What a cruel joke to play. Death isn't something to joke about. 

   "Mary. He's dead." 

   Everything after that was a blur. Packing, getting ready for the funeral, the funeral itself is a horrible memory. I had gone to his casket and looked at him. He looked so different in his suit. He had a fake red poppy flower in his pocket. I was waiting for him to sit up and laugh, then to hug me close. I put my hand on his and I remember how cold he was. For the first time in my life, I was truly afraid of my grandfather.  

   After the burial, I blocked everything from that last month as best as I could. I tried to move on with my life so many times, but grieving never stops. It waits until you come back to it. It waits until it's dealt with properly. My grief will be waiting for me and I will always come back to it. I never learned how to properly handle it. 

   "Hey." A voice from behind said. 

   I jumped and turned to see my girlfriend Lana. She had just gotten in from work, but her stuff was already hung up.

   "I said your name a few times and you didn't answer. You okay?" She asked as she came into the room. 

   "Yeah, yeah I just-" I said as I tried to move the pictures around. 

   "Hey, what's the matter?" She asked, sitting next to me on the couch, concern etched into her dark brown eyes. 

   "It-it's nothing babe, really."

   "I know when you're lying Mary." 

   I sighed and looked down at the pile. I leaned forward to pick up the unopened package of pictures.

   "Oh baby. It's today."

   I nodded, biting my lip. 

   Lana wrapped her arm around my shoulders and brought me close to her. She placed a gentle kiss on my temple and held me there. I stared at the little white envelope, holding memories that I could never get back. 

   "Do you want to look at them?" Lana asked, running her free hand across my jaw. 

   "Sure." I squeaked.

   I broke the seal of the envelope and pulled out the first picture.

   "Awww." Lana chuckled. 

   I laughed a little as I looked at the photo. I was about 6 or 7 and wearing a white bathrobe. My blonde hair was short then and I was taking a bow. Gramps was next to me, donning a cowboy hat, also taking a bow.

   "We would uh, we would perform these shows together. I guess this was the end of one." 

   I felt a cold drop on my hand and looked down, there were a couple droplets on the photo. I quickly wiped the photo and my eyes as Lana rubbed my back. I set the pack back on the table and held my hands together. 

   We sat like that for a few minutes, me crying and Lana rubbing my back and wiping my tears. When I finally sat back up, I felt exhausted. 

   "I miss him." I whispered.

   "I know love. But he's so proud of you." Lana whispered, taking my hand in hers.

   "You think so?" 

   "I know so Mary. You make everyone so proud. You're amazing, and he of all people knows that." 

   I smiled a little and looked down. I felt my eyelids getting heavier by the moment and I leaned back onto Lana.

   "Can we rest for a bit?" I asked, already half asleep.

   "Of course. I've got you babygirl, you take your time." Lana said, giving my face the gentlest of kisses.

   "I love you." I whispered in my haze.

   "I love you." She whispered back.

   And for a moment, I felt warm. I felt like I was getting approval from Gramps that everything was good and right. That he loved me back. And that was everything I needed. 

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