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Prompt: Cordelia has a one-on-one session with each of the Coven girls to talk to them about what they think their hell will look like when performing The Seven Wonders. It is now Misty's turn to talk with Cordelia, and the two women get to learn more about each other. 

POV: Cordelia 

I got up from my desk and opened one of the large windows in my office at the House of Witches. At least, that is what we called it because Madison, and all of the girls, think that saying "Miss. Robichaux's Academy" is too much and makes us sound too fancy. 

And I agree with them. It does make us sound too fancy. 

I was having talks with each of the girls about what they might expect when performing The Seven Wonders and talking about trauma that may contribute to their hell in descensum. I just wanted them to have an idea of what was going to happen, and that we all understood that descensum was the most dangerous one because, once you are stuck in hell, you are not getting out. 

I looked down at my watch and saw it was 3:00, time for Misty to come in. I saved Misty for last because I knew more about her, but I also knew she had the most situations to deal with when it came to what her hell might be. I also just wanted to spend some time talking with Misty, laughing, because she always has a way of making the worst of my days better. 

Before I could get too deep into my own thoughts, there was a knock on the door and the thick Cajun accent filtered through the door. 

"Miss. Delia?" 

I turned and smiled at the woman coming into my office. From the moment I met Misty Day, she was like a force to be reckoned with in the best possible way. She had her own agenda but that did not stop her from helping others. Not a day went by that Misty did not stop by my office, text me, or slip into my room at night to ask how my day had been and if there was anything she could do to make it better. She always had a piece of my heart with her wherever she went. 

"Hi Misty, come on in." I said smiling, gesturing at the seat across from my desk as I took a seat behind my own. 

"How are ya?" She asked, also smiling and pulling her black shawl closer to herself as a breeze filtered into the room, ruffling her curls a bit. 

"I'm good, you're my last girl to talk to so that's nice. How are you?" 

She nodded. "I'm okay." 

"You promise?" 

Misty and I knew when the other was lying. Body language, the eyes, and concilium. 

"Well, I-I am a lil scared Miss. Dee. I mean-" Misty shook her head and looked down at the floor. "I don't want to be the next supreme." She whispered. 

I sighed, knowing how she felt. I was not thrilled about having to conduct these tests to find out either, because I knew at least one person was not going to make it out alive. 

And I would give everything to make that person not be Misty. 

"I know you're scared Misty, but if you do become supreme, I know you will be a wonderful leader. I've seen you in so many leadership roles and how you take care of everything." 

She looked up at me, wide eyed and still smiling. "Thank ya so much Miss. Delia. But no one could compare to yaself." 

I blushed at the compliment and moved a few papers around on my desk to fill the silence. I did not need to bring up Misty's files because I already knew everything I needed to know about Misty. 

"So, the Seven Wonders." I said, not breaking my smile. "You have a lot of strengths, I think. Obviously you're wonderful at vitalum vitalis because of who you are." I scanned down the list and found the one that may be difficult other than descensum. "What about your telekinesis skills?" 

Misty chewed on her bottom lip. "It's not that great, but I've been practicin' a lot!" 

I smiled and nodded, I would have to check on that before we actually did the Seven Wonders so that she would be okay. 

"What about descensum?" I asked, biting my nail. 

Misty looked scared and I wished I could just hold her and protect her from all evils in the world, but I knew I could not. Witch or not. 

"We never practice for that one, you tell us it's too dangerous." 

"It is." I whispered. "I-I had asked each of you to think of events that could shape your experience in hell, for descensum." I reminded, and she shifted in her seat. 

"Mist I know you don't want to talk about this, it's hard, but you have to be aware and prepared." 

"I know Miss. Delia, it's just-" Misty breathed a deep sigh. "I don't want that life. The life of the supreme. It ain't for me." 

"I get it but-" 

"Then why do I have to perform? Why can't I just go back to my swamp for that night? I'm puttin' myself in danger for something I don't even want, Miss. Cordelia!" 

I flinched at her using my full name, and my chest tightened. I hated seeing her so upset, but I knew this had a major purpose to it. I got up and went to the chair beside Misty's and took her hand gently. I felt a sudden rush of energy as she gasped slightly, probably feeling my energy as well. 

"I'm so sorry Misty. I-I know you don't want to do this. I tried everything I could to get you out. But I just couldn't. You have to preform." 

Misty sighed and silent tears rolled down her eyes. I pursed my lips as I used my free hand to wipe her face gently, and while holding her other hand, I used concilium to tap into her mind and try to see and understand what her descensum experience may be. 

The first bit of trauma I had seen many times. Her burning at the stake. She looked so small and helpless there, thrashing around for help. No one was listening, no one was showing any mercy. Even her own family stood back and watched. 

The second bit I had not seen. It was Misty sitting in a high school biology classroom and she was being forced to cut open a live frog. She kept telling the teacher that she couldn't kill a living creature, but no one was listening. She cut it open, then cupped her hands over the frog and it came back to life. She repeated this many times as she cried and begged for help. 

I snapped my eyes open, now being out of Misty's mind and understanding more of what she would have to deal with. I looked at her but she looked down at the ground, refusing to meet my eyes. 

"Misty?" I whispered. 

Finally she looked up again. 

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise." I said, and Misty smiled, hugging me close. But we both knew it was a bit of an empty promise. I could never do such a thing. But it was the thought that counted. We were still holding hands as Misty pulled out of the hug and rested her forehead against mine. 

"And I won't let anything happen to you either." Misty whispered, and our lips connected. 

It felt like a secret being exposed, a secret that almost everyone already knew. I finally felt free. I felt like someone had finally released chains from me and that I could be who I wanted to be. Who I was meant to be. 

We pulled back for air, laughing amongst ourselves. 

"Ya so wonderful Miss. Dee. Truly." 

"Not as wonderful as you Misty." 

We both giggled again only to connect our lips a moment later. I was not going to let Misty go, not now. Not ever. I was going to fight with everything I had to keep her here with me, safe. 

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