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A/N: This is a special oneshot because it's dedicated to my amazing and wonderful girlfriend, since today is our 6 month anniversary. I love you so much sweet girl. 

Prompt: It has been a long time since Cordelia and Misty have been able to go on a date with just the two of them since Cordelia was made supreme. But now she has saved up enough money to surprise Misty with a date to Disney World. This details some of their experiences in the park. 

POV: 3rd Person 

"But if we're going to the gardens, why do I have to wear shoes?" Misty asked, still holding her sandals in her hands. 

"Because my love it's not like our garden. It's more of a fenced in garden. You'll still have to be on the pavement, we can't walk through it." Cordelia said, looking at the curly blonde's bare feet. 

Misty nodded and finally slipped her shoes back on. Cordelia smiled at the insistence of her girlfriend, knowing that she just wanted to be closer to the Earth. The sun was beginning to set against the giant golf ball that was the staple of Epcot park, the park that they were visiting tonight. Some of the ground lights were already turning on, lighting up the different colored flowers that they were about to go in and see. They had already ridden most of the rides, Cordelia's favorite was "Soarin'" while Misty's was "Test Track". 

But Cordelia wanted to save what she knew Misty's favorite part was going to be for the last. Epcot had two different gardens, and the couple had already gone to the first where they saw different types of plants and farming techniques, which Misty loved. Now they were back in the garden with the flowers. 

"Ready?" Cordelia asked, extending her hand to Misty. 

"Ready." Misty smiled back, taking Cordelia's hand and lacing their fingers together. 

They walked together to the different sections of flowers and were immediately hit with the smell of various flowers. The sky above them had turned from a brilliant blue to a mix of dark blue, purple, orange, and yellow, which complimented the flowers nicely against their black and brown mulch and dirt. The first arrangement that Cordelia and Misty saw was a butterfly swooping up, the body of it was branches with dark and light green leaves. The wings however, were a collection of different shades of purple flowers making three massive strips on each wing. 

"Wow." Misty whispered, walking to the fence and gently leaning over it to get a better look. 

"It's beautiful." Cordelia agreed, walking beside Misty, half to look at the butterfly, the other half to make sure Misty didn't fall face first into the dirt. 

Misty nodded, then leaned back. "That's what this garden is about?" 

Cordelia smiled and gave an affirmative nod of her head. 

"Well then lets go! There's still so much beauty to explore!" Misty squealed, taking Cordelia's hand and practically dragging her to the next exhibit. 

The next array that they saw was a massive section of yellow, red, white, purple and hints of blue topping them all. They were shaped into arches. 

They continued through the garden, seeing Pluto the dog, princesses and princes, and other animals. They got to one of Misty's favorite movie characters, a garden version of Beauty and The Beast. Both characters were made of up light green leaves, with Belle's hair and dress being a darker green while Beast's outfit was much darker, almost black looking. 

"Dee look!" Misty said, bouncing with excitement.

"Yes, I see." Cordelia answered.

Misty stared in awe of the plant statue's, wanting more than anything to just kick off her shoes and run through the dirt and to them. But Cordelia sensed what her girlfriend was thinking, so she took her hand tight and smiled up at her. 

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