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A/N: Another prompt done with my wonderful partner whom I adore more than anyone in the world!

Prompt: Misty and Cordelia meet in a new class for school and become fast friends, then lovers. But some things turn out to be harder than previously thought

POV: 3rd person 

Finals were truly killing Misty. She thought she had survived the semester, but it seemed like it was a never-ending story. She had finished exams, but projects were here. She loved drawing, all she ever wanted was to study arts but some part of her regretted it already because it was just too damn hard. She sat on the grass with her notebook on her legs, trying to think of the perfect thing to draw. She looked around to find inspiration, but nothing could really get her to draw. Why was it so hard to get inspiration? Her teacher had told her to start drawing more people, but it had to call Misty because if it wasn't that way, she wouldn't be able to draw. Well...she knew a certain someone that totally caught her attention, but she was too shy to talk to her. She knew her name was Cordelia and she was older than her, but she knew nothing else than that. Oh, how she wished she could talk to her to draw her...

Cordelia sat in class, twiddling her pencil in her fingers. She had never been much of an artist, but she loved to write stories. She wished that was what she could do, but her parents wanted her to get into something more successful, like psychology. So that is where she sat. But she could never focus. She kept thinking of the girl she saw around campus with the wild blonde curls, pale skin, bright blue eyes, and a certain appeal to her that made her unlike Cordelia had ever seen. All she wanted was to get to know the woman.

Misty decided to take an extra class since she felt it was going to be good for her to get more experience in her writing and English was the perfect class for it. She used to hate it in high school since she wasn't good with essays or anything but maybe she could change here. After all, she needed to know how to express herself more with words, not only with her drawings, after all, in presentation she also had to talk about them, and she did not know how to express it in words. Now heading to the classroom, she saw that there were not many people in class, deciding to sit on the back of it. Finally, she was early to class.

As soon as the bell rang for class to dismiss, Cordelia was up and out of her seat, darting across the campus to make it to the next building in time. She always struggled to get there in time because of the distance, but somehow, she always made it. Once she got to the classroom, she saw Misty in a desk, sketching on her pad as always. It made Cordelia smile to see the girl doing what she loved. At least someone had to. Cordelia took her seat across from Misty, they had only ever shared a few words between each other.

Misty was so into her drawing that she didn't notice that the bell had rang and that the classroom was almost full. She looked up to see more students were in the classroom and as usual, she looked around to see if she knew someone from her other classes. She then saw Cordelia and smiled at her, going back to her pad. She then shot her head up again, her eyes widening. Cordelia was in her class. They were finally sharing a class. This was totally a dream. She looked back down, nervousness taking over her body.

Cordelia noticed the blonde jerk her head back up and look at her, but she didn't look back over. She had to think about getting through this class. Although she loved to write, she was never fond of the actual English classes. This was going to be a major hurtle for her to jump

How am I supposed to get through this class if Cordelia is goin' to be in the same class? Oh dear. "Good morning class! I'm Miss Rogers, I'll be your teacher for the semester. So, I know you guys are studying different things but I'm glad you could all have the guts to choose this class." The class laughed at her comment. Misty just huffed and shook her head. "So, for our first assignment, I'd like for you to partner up with someone else. I see there's only 14 people here so how about a team of two, yeah?" She smiled and turned to grab the list. "Mmm...alright. I'll choose who you'll be working with." Nice, now I'll have to work with someone? It's not like I know everyone here and people don't even like me, what am I supposed to... "Misty go with...Cordelia Goode." She smiled and kept going with the names. Misty's eyes widened as she turned to look at Cordelia. Oh shit, now you're dammed.

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