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Prompt: Misty and Cordelia have a water gun fight and an evening together. Contains smut.

POV: Cordelia 

   Summer in New Orleans was never easy. Growing up, we only had one air conditioner in the house I lived in, and it was in Fiona's room. Thankfully as I got older and displayed more powers, my mother had accepted that I was a witch that needed training and teaching. 

   When I was 12 years old, I finally moved out of the hot hellhole of my house and moved into the cold icebox of the Academy. 

   Even in the summertime, I would wear long sleeves and pants. I didn't want to complain to Fiona about it lest she sent me back home for being ungrateful. So, I dealt with it by keeping plenty of fuzzy blankets out and keeping a heater in my room. I still keep a heater in my room and in my office, the cold keeps the students awake during classes. 

   But even the new air conditioning units in the Academy could not keep up with the blazing sun that radiated heat. It wasn't as hot as it could be in the house, but it sure as hell wasn't as cool as it could be either. I thought about renting out some hotel rooms just to get a little relief from everything.

   "Cordelia, it's hot." Madison exclaimed, wearing a sports bra and a pair of underwear, yet sweat still shimmered on her body. 

   "Good analysis doc." I returned. 

   "We need a pool. That would make things so much better!" Nan exclaimed. 

   "I agree. We could all be floating around in a nice, big bucket of water, sipping some Rose." Queenie agreed. 

   "Hot Rose is disgusting." Zoe muttered to herself. 

   "Enough!" I finally said. "If you girls want a pool so bad, why don't you go buy one?" 

   "Because they're expensive and heavy." Queenie said. 

   "You're right." I said, still staring up at the white ceiling above me. 

   The room fell silent as we thought of ways to cool down without spending a fortune and having to renovate the entire backyard. 

   "When I was younger, my siblings and I would have water gun fights in the yards. It ain't much, but it's something." Misty said, coming into the room with a Popsicle for everyone. 

   "That's not a bad idea. We have a water hose out back and we can go to the store and buy some water guns." Zoe said, shrugging.  

   I looked over at Misty, who was trying to hide her smile by sucking on the popsicle. I felt my lips curve into their own smile by seeing the cute woman before me. I always knew I was bisexual because of the way I felt around both sexes. They both made me feel giddy and I frequently had crushes on both. And when Misty came into the Academy, I knew I had a crush on her. 

   Everything about her had captivated me. Her curly blonde locks, her bright blue eyes, her contagious laugh and smile, the way she dances like no one is watching, her love for those she cares about and for all animals. 


   But I didn't have a chance with her. I knew she was also bisexual because she had shared it with me, but she wouldn't want me. She deserves much better. She deserves someone that can actually take care of her and provide for her. Someone who can better fit her nomadic lifestyle.

   Someone better.

   I was brought back to reality when I heard someone say my name. 

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