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!!!!!TW: Self-harm and abuse!!!!

Prompt: Ever since the escape, Lana has been struggling. She has fallen deep into psychological issues with PTSD, anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. 

POV: Lana

He's on top of me. He has already drugged me and chained me. My stupid night gown is up and he-

I shoot up in a cold sweat. A nightmare. That's all that was. That's all this life is. I'm panting and hold my head in my hands, trying to come back to reality. I felt an arm around my waist and I jumped back, screaming. 

"Lana it's just me." A soft voice called out. 

I looked over and there in the midst of dark grey sheets and a mass of blonde hair was Mary Eunice. I sighed with relief, knowing it was "just her". 

"Bad dream?" She whispered, gently putting her hand on top of mine. 

I nodded, holding my head in my other hand. 

"Baby, maybe you should go to ther-"

"I don't need therapy! Remember last time I was subjected to 'therapy'!" I yelled, harsher than I meant to. 

Her bright blue eyes shifted from my dark brown to the bed. I saw her lip quiver a little and I admit, I got a little annoyed. But I knew I shouldn't have yelled. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled." 

"It happens." 

I looked over at Mary again and sighed. I love that woman. With my entire heart. My entire soul. We escaped from there, together. And we've been by each others side ever since. We've helped each other. Mary more so than me. She doesn't like talking about what happened in Briarcliff. 

Well, neither of us do. 

She says I suffered the most, that her problems are minuscule compared to what I've been through. But it doesn't matter to me. Abuse is abuse. And I know more things happened to her in there than she tells me did. 

I placed a gentle hand on her cheek, leaned over, and kissed her forehead. Those were her favorite. She lit back up like a Christmas tree and I giggled a little. Then I looked at the little clock. It was 5 a.m. The sun wasn't up yet. No one was up yet, except us. 

"I'm going to go get ready for the day, okay? You sleep in a little." I suggested, running my thumb on her strong cheekbones. 

"Will you be okay?" Mary asked, her eyes already falling back down. 

"Yeah." I lied, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, and with that, she was back asleep. 

I sighed and stared at her. Her beautiful pale skin, her long golden blonde hair. Her now hidden bright blue eyes. Her sharp jaw and cheekbones. Her lips that I would kiss for eternity and a day if I could. The woman who easily took my heart and ran with it, taking good care of it. She did everything she could for me in that prison. She even took punishments for me, which no one had ever done before. Mary Eunice is truly the most perfect woman in the entire world. 

And she deserves better. 

I flinched at my own thoughts which ruined the mood, got up, and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, disgusted. My skin was also pale, but not pale like Mary's. Mine was almost a yellowish color. Dark bags were forming under my eyes. My brown hair was matted and looked like it hadn't been brushed in days. Maybe weeks. 

That's because it hasn't been brushed in days. Maybe weeks. 

I hissed to myself as I turned from the mirror and ripped my white night clothes off of me. Scars. Cuts. Bruises. Everything was all over me. All the pain, the heartache. The fear. 

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