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Prompt: Nora and Billie Dean are taking care of Billie's niece, Delilah, for the night, and Nora gets a taste of being a mother again, but this time with her best friend and lover. 

POV: Nora 

I was cleaning the kitchen when there was a light knock on the door that made me jump. I ran over and opened it to reveal the blonde hair, brown eyed woman I have fallen in love with. I have to spend eternity and a day in this house, but she makes everything better. She makes it worthwhile. She helps me understand. She makes me feel loved. 

And I do not give two cares that Billie Dean is a "she". Because she makes me feel in more ways than any man ever could. And that speaks volumes to me. 

"Hi babe!" Billie said, carrying her overnight bag inside. 

"Hey!" I said, then closed the door behind her. She had clothes for herself and for me. Apparently 4 year old's do not like laying against harsh, 200 year old fabric. So, Billie Dean is lending me some of her clothes for the night. Plus, it will divert the child from realizing that I am, in fact, a ghost. 

She also brought some of the child's toys from Billie's house. 

The child is Billie Dean's niece, Delilah. Delilah's parents, Billie's brother and sister-in-law, were going somewhere tonight and needed someone to watch the girl. So, Billie said she would do it, asking if she could bring Delilah over to the house to meet me. And now, that is where we are. 

"Are you excited for tonight?" Billie Dean asked, placing the bag on the table. 

I smiled and nodded, but inside I was afraid. When Thaddeus died, I was just a shell of who I was before. I was cold, inconsolable, and ready to end everything. So I did. And then the Harmon family moved in. Tate promised he would get me a baby, and eventually he did. Nicholas was what Vivien named him. I named him Little Crying Monster because that was all he was. He screamed day in and day out. It was at that moment, when Vivien came down and held the baby and he finally stopped crying, that I realized that maybe I was not meant to be a mother. I had failed at the one thing I was meant to do as a woman. Which is why I am so afraid tonight. That Delilah will reject me just like every other child has, and that Billie Dean will see that I cannot care for anyone properly, and that she will leave me. 

Too much? Perhaps. Violet calls this anxiety. I call it being realistic. 

Billie looked at me and tipped her head to the side a bit. "Nora?" 


"Are you sure you're okay?" 

I nodded again, making my smile bigger to show my teeth. 

She walked closer to me, one hand still on the counter, the other stretched out to me. I took her warm hand, my stomach sinking a bit because of how cold mine was and how that would make Delilah feel. 

"You're scared." She whispered. 

I sighed and let my smile drop. There was no need to be guarded around my girlfriend, especially when she was a medium. 

"Talk to me?" She asked gently, leading me from the kitchen and to the couch where we sat down and she still held my hand, running her thumb over my knuckles. 

"I'm just worried that-that I won't be good enough for Delilah, you know?" 

"Nora she's 4. You could give her ice cream and she'll think you're the greatest person in the world." 

"No dear, I mean like maternally. You say this child likes to lay on other people, which I am totally fine with. But you're warm. She'll expect warmth from me. I-I'm dead." 

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