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Prompt: Billie Dean has begun visiting the house much more recently, and she learns that Nora's birthday is today. She wants to do something special for the older woman, so she plans a few surprises for her. 

POV: Billie Dean 

I walked down the sidewalk on my way to the mansion that I had grown to love and call home. All the ghosts were starting to accept new people arriving in the house, but for some reason or another, usually due to the spirits in the house, all of the potential buyers left, leaving the house vacant to most of the "mortals" as Ben Harmon calls us. 

The key word here is most. 

Realtors have asked me on multiple occasions if I would be willing to buy the house, but I always declined. The house has too many spirits for me to permanently live there. But, I do enjoy my visits with everyone. But a special someone in particular. 

Nora Montgomery and I had a rough start. She was guarded and irritated because all these people kept showing up in her house because she did not yet understand that she was dead. So I understood and expected the retaliation. But damn that woman had walls to break down. Once I started coming over more and she got used to the fact that I was there to help her and everyone else, she started tolerating me. That toleration turned into friendship, which turned into love. 

At first, Nora was scared. For her, a woman was not supposed to like other women. But, after months of talking and a bit of experimenting with both of our consents, she understood more. We have now officially been together for 10 months. And I could not be happier than I am now than with the woman of my dreams. 

I got to the porch of the house, it's large and imposing brick work and dark tiles no longer feeling like the real life "Addams Family" home that it once did. I lightly knocked on the door as I smiled at my own reference. I heard footsteps and Vivien answered the door. 

"Hi Billie Dean! Come on in!" She said, smiling warmly at me. 

I smiled back and entered the house, taking my jacket off and laying it across the couch with my purse. 

"You know, you don't have to knock. You can always just come into the house." Vivien suggested, moving into the kitchen. 

"I don't know the door is locked." I responded, also going into the kitchen. 

"I've offered you my key multiple times. I don't need it!" With that, Vivien laughed a little. 

"I know but..." My voice trailed off because we both knew I had no legit excuse. Then, Nicholas started crying from the upstairs bedroom. 

"Excuse me." She said, nodding and leaving the room to tend to the child. Nicholas was a wonderful baby. He was so small and cute, almost everyone loved cooing over him. I remembered the nights I have spent at the house with Nora and we told Vivien we would take care of him through the night so she could relax a bit. And we did take care of Nicholas, but newborns are no joke. Especially when they've been newborns for a year and a half now. 

I heard light heels tapping behind me and I turned to see Nora. She was wearing a long red dress that has black lace on the front and back. Her blonde hair was pinned up in its usual style, with a few curls hanging around her pale face. Her blue eyes lit up a bit as she saw me and I smiled in response. 

"Hello dear." She said, her low tone resonating through the house. She always seemed to have a bite at the end of her words, as if she was always on edge and ready to snap at anyone who crossed her boundaries. 

"Hi darling." I said, wrapping my arms around Nora's waist. I always tried to be soothing for her because she deserved it. I could feel her energy change so I did it more often. 

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