Foxxay Part 2

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A/N: I thought of an "after Halloween" idea so this is part two to the Foxxay oneshot before this! I promise after this one I'll do more Hotgomery and Bananun! But I hope you enjoy this one! :)

   Prompt: It's the day after Halloween and Misty and Cordelia have some exciting news to share with the kids! 

   POV: 3rd person

   The light streaming in from the opened curtains woke Cordelia. She stretched and yawned, rolling over to see her partner was already awake, no doubt taking care of the kids. She then rolled to the other side and saw that she had slept in until 10:15 a.m. She knew she would have to do something extremely special for Misty by letting her sleep this late. She sat up and tied her long blonde hair behind her. Last night was a lot of fun for everyone. All the candy the kids had gotten, the news of Cordelia's pregnancy to her Misty, and now time to get into a whole new season. 

   As the blonde witches bare feet met the cold hardwood floor, she started thinking about how different things would be with a new addition. Amelia was 6, the twins were 3, and now a baby bean. Somehow, the home would get louder, messier, and more chaotic than before. 

   And she wouldn't have it any other way. 

   As Cordelia emerged from the hallway and into the kitchen, she was greeted by her wife and, technically the youngest son, Mason. 

   "Good morning." Misty said with a smile and Mason looked up, his blue and brown eyes lighting up at the sight of his mother. 

   "Morning Mama." He said, then went back to his drawing. 

   "Good morning. What ya drawing?" Cordelia asked, hugging Misty and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. 

   "Snowflakes. Mommy says it's time to start decorating for Christmas!" 

   "It's the day after Halloween, Mist." 

   "Soooo! Head start!" Misty said, gently rubbing the little bump on Cordelia's belly. 

   "Mama! Mama!" Two little voices said as they ran into the kitchen.

   "No running in the house!" The curly haired witch said. 

   "Sorry." Noah mumbled while Amelia held onto a cut out bat with a little Santa hat on. 

   "Lookie Mama! We're combining the two holidays!" She squealed.

   "You didn't even take the Halloween decorations down?" Cordelia chuckled, looking at Misty. 

   "We're workin on it! It's only 10:15!" She said with a wink. 

   "Is it a good idea?" Amelia asked, nudging Cordelia. 

   "It's wonderful Milly. I'm proud of all 3 of y'all." 

   "Lets go do the rest! C'mon Mason!" Noah said, nearly pulling his brother off the stool. 

   And then there were two. 

   "I made you some tea." Misty said, setting the warm cup on the table. 

   "Thank you love. And for taking care of the kids so I could sleep in a bit." 

   "Of course. I know you and Bean need to rest. These damn kids are exhausting." 

   "Get ready for more then." 

   "Speaking of, when are we going to tell them? The kids?" 

   "Why not now?"

   "That sounds wonderful." Misty said, picking her cup up and moving to head out. 

   "Not yet. Just a minute." Cordelia whispered, putting her hands on either side of Misty. 

   "What's wrong? Are you okay?" The younger witch asked, setting down her coffee mug. 

   "I want to give you a quick thank you." Cordelia purred, then kissed Misty hard. 

   The kiss caught Misty off guard but it was very welcomed. Their quiet kissing sounds enveloped them in the kitchen. Cordelia's hands rested against Misty's waist, then slowly slipped down her thighs. Cordelia moved her kisses to Misty's strong jaw.

   "Mmm, Dee-the k-kids." 

   "The kids are-"

   Then a loud thump. 

   The pair jumped back from each other and immediately went into the main room where the table was overturned and Noah was crying. 

   "What happened?!" Misty asked, going right to Noah and looking him over. 

   "Noah called me his  bitch so I pushed him into the table!" Mason said. 

   "Don't call your brother that! You're not even supposed to cuss!" Cordelia said.

   "I heard Mommy calling you her bitch a few nights ago!"

   "We're adults! Cordelia replied. 

   "That was also the night I woke up from nightmares and heard Mommy and Mama's bed squeaking a lot. It was weird." Amelia said, shrugging. 

   Blood rushed to Misty's face as she quickly glanced at her wife, whose eyes were wide. 

   "Well you don't call ANYONE a bitch-"

   "Yeah Noah!"

    "And you especially don't push him so hard into a table that it knocks over!" Misty said, giving the Mom eyes to Mason. 

   "Yeah Mason." Noah mumbled, standing back up as Amelia and Cordelia corrected the table. 

   "Maybe we should wait a little longer to tell them about Bean." Cordelia said, chuckling. 


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