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Warning: NSFW! This is also a bit of a longer oneshot!

Prompt: Cordelia and Misty decide to spent time together after Cordelia's nap.

POV: Cordelia 

My heels clicked down the hallway as I returned to my bedroom at the end of another long day. I was always drained, and I needed a nap. Usually with the 2-3 hour nap, I was back to myself again. It was a bright day outside and rather warm for the first day of February and I could clearly see the little flowers that Misty had planted for me outside my window. She made sure that the flowers stayed alive all year long by bringing them back every time they withered. During the regular spring and summer seasons it wasn't as much work to keep them alive. But when the fall and harsher winter rolled in, Misty was able to test her abilities more, which we both enjoyed. 

I opened my door and Misty was already laying on the bed, reading a book about plants. Sunlight filtered into the room via the large windows in my room, and the beams hit Misty's open book easily, giving her all the light that she needed. 

And Misty was all the light that I needed. 

When Misty first came the Academy, things instantly changed. Everything became brighter and happier. It seemed like the Academy itself got the final bit of nutrients it needed to blossom into the place I had always wanted it to be. There were still difficulties of course, but things seemed better managed just by her presence. And that was a completely new feeling. 

I quickly learned that her favorite place to be was her swamp. But it wasn't safe right now, so here was what she had. Her second favorite place to be was, and still is, the greenhouse. She would spend hours down there, studying each individual plant and potion that she could. Some nights she would be so invested in her work, she would forget to come upstairs to eat. That's when I started going to the greenhouse to bring her food. Misty never expected to me, and she scolded herself for being so forgetful, and apologized because she felt that I was forcing myself to bring her food. I denied the claim because it wasn't true. I wanted to bring her food and to check on her progress. 

Stolen moments with food in the greenhouse then turned into sessions of me sitting down there with her, talking about anything and everything. Some nights we talked about all the things that made us happy and what we looked forward to in the future. Other nights we talked about our own rocky histories with family or friends and continued to learn about each other.  Through our continuous visits with one another, we formed a bond that I had never had before. She was on my side. She believed me in what I had to say. She comforted me in ways I never thought possible. Our bond grew stronger and our relationship started developing. 

Around 4 months ago, Misty asked me to be her girlfriend. Of course I said yes, I would have been a fool not to. Because of Misty, I've grown into the woman I have always wanted to be. I do still have my times, but I'm getting stronger with lots of support. And I could never thank her enough for all that she does for me. 

I came back to the present and looked over at my curly blonde, blue eyed wonder. She is the epitome of perfection. No plant or person could ever match her beauty. No amount of sunrises or sunsets, or pretty forest views could compare to the woman who I get to call my girlfriend. And I am so deeply in love with her that I could never see a future without her in it, nor would I ever want to. 

Misty looked up at me and smiled, pushing some of the stray curls from her face. "Hi baby." 

"Hi sunshine." I replied, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead before slipping my heels off and immediately crawling into bed. 

"Not even going to change?" Misty asked, dog-earring her book page and closing the book. 

I shook my head and pulled the covers up close, sealing me in warmth.  Misty also shimmied under the covers and pulled me close to her, protecting me. I was wrapped in her arms with one of her hands on my waist and the other stroking my cheek, which I love.

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