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Prompt: Nora and Billie make a rainbow cake together for Pride month. (Contains smut).

POV: Nora 

   "What in the world is this mess?" I exclaimed, coming into the kitchen as Billie Dean got home and set bags on the table. 

   "Happy Pride month to you too babe." My girlfriend responded, turning to wink at me. 

   My knowledge of Pride month was vague. I knew from what Billie had told me that it was a month to celebrate queer people and the love that they share. But, I never celebrated Pride, living or dead, and Billie refused to go to any sort of LGBTQ+ event without me. 

     She offered books to me and asked if I wanted to watch movies on the history of Pride, but I always turned it down. I don't know why, but I felt that I didn't deserve to be in the community. I had internalized homophobia when I was alive, and even with Billie. She worked with me though and broke it all down to where we are now, two women that are in love. However, I was so hateful to members of the community that I didn't feel I would be welcomed, which is fair. 

   "Happy Pride. Now, what did you bring home?" I answered. 

  "No hug? No kiss? Someone's nosy." Billie Dean said, walking towards me with a smile on her delicate face. 

  I rolled my eyes but couldn't suppress my own smile. She had a way about her that melted me. I wanted nothing more in this afterlife than to be with her and to please her, each and every day. 

  "Maybe I am nosy, it is my house." I said as I opened my arms and my girlfriend walked into them and wrapped her own arms around my neck, staring up at me with the most beautiful brown eyes that I had ever seen. 

  "Who pays the bills again?" She teased. 

  "That's hardly fair. If it wasn't for me, there would be no bills to pay." I huffed. 

  The blonde woman in my arms shrugged, meaning I had won the argument. 

  "So, I ask again-" 

  "Aht aht. No kiss, no answers." 

  *I'll give you a kiss then* I thought, as I cupped Billie Dean's warm cheeks in my cold hands, tilted my head to the side a little, leaned down, closed my eyes, and kissed her. I then swiped my tongue on her bottom lip, which allowed us to explore each others mouths. She drew me closer to her by my neck, closing whatever gap we had between us. 

  I felt at home with her. This house was never a home. I merely lived, slept, and cleaned in it. But when her presence and her spirit entered this place, everything came alive, and it was all okay again. 

  We pulled back and she looked up at me with closed eyes and her lips still leaning toward me. She slowly opened her eyes and the familiar smile was etched on her face. 

  "That was a hell of a kiss." She whispered. 

  "You're a hell of a girl. Now will you tell me what it is you bought?"

  Billie Dean shook her head but kept her smile and walked to the bags. "It's cake mix and icing. I thought we could make a rainbow cake for Pride." 

  "I think that's a wonderful idea, except for I can't cook." 

  "I'll help you then." 

  I nodded and smiled widely. Doing little domestic tasks like this always made me so happy, like I was finally fulfilling my duties as a domestic housewife with my girlfriend. 


  A couple hours later we were still in the kitchen, ready to bake.  We had all the ingredients and tools out that we needed. I had on a pink apron while Billie Dean had on a green one, but we still had our regular clothes underneath. 

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