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Prompt: Part 2 of the Christmas Festivals despite it being the fourth day of February lmao 

POV: Nora 

   Contrary to popular belief, ghosts do need to sleep. It's draining to wander around, moaning about for a son that you killed and a husband who wants nothing to do with you. But, even after all that, I still needed to rest because I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Billie Dean. Though, I don't need to sleep as much as she does. 

   But for some reason, that movie put me to sleep. I had seen it a few times before, it never really interested me. It was just a little to happy for me. 

   "It's a Christmas movie for children." Billie had said. 

   "So was 'It's A Wonderful Life' but here we are." I replied. 

   I woke up about an hour and a half later, hearing the end theme of the movie from the TV. In my sleep I must've tossed and turned, I was practically laying off the bed. I rolled onto my back and felt a peculiar weight near my head. I lolled to the side and was met with big green eyes, drool, tiny fingers reaching out for my jewelry, and the sweetest smile I had ever seen. 

   "Hi Nicholas." I cooed, gently rubbing his cheek. 

   I got babbles in return. 

   I giggled and sat up a bit. Billie Dean was right beside him, making sure I didn't crush him. Not that it would've killed him, but I can imagine it wouldn't have been pleasant. He watched as I moved, sucking on his fists. 

   "Vivien asked if we wanted to look after him for a bit." 

   "When was this?"

   "About 10 minutes ago. He needs a bottle soon." 

   "You need some food?" I cooed, looking down at the baby.

   He smiled widely and squealed, kicking his legs out. 

   "Is someone hungy?" I asked, using my baby voice. 

   Again, he kicked and squealed. 

   "Well whatever da wittle baby wants, he gets." I said, gently pulling his hands from his mouth just for him to put them back in. 

    I'd never been the maternal type. When Thaddeus was born, the maids mainly took care of him, I was just there to nurse him and the occasional pictures. I never really changed his diaper, rocked him to sleep, changed his clothes. It wasn't that I didn't have the desire to do it, I just didn't know how and I had very little patience for him. It was sad and disappointing, bubbling up to the moment of Charles stitching together a monster and me killing them both. 

   Even when I stole Nicholas for a bit, it was tedious. All he did was scream and cry. Nothing would soothe him until Vivien got him. I was afraid I would hurt another baby. Over time though, with practice, patience, and help, I learned how to care for Nicholas on my own. I know I always have Billie Dean by my side and he isn't my child, but I love him. 

   "Someone is excited to see his Aunt Nora." Billie Dean said with a broad smile. 

   "He issss." I replied, picking him up and laying him against my chest. 

   His head popped up as he looked to Billie. She smiled and said "hi" to him, making me giggle. He opened and closed his fists a bit and opened his mouth. I held his legs up so he wouldn't kick my breasts and I knew exactly what he wanted. 

   He was hungry. 

   "Lets go get his bottle." I said, letting Billie Dean take him and carry him down. 

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