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Prompt: It's Halloween in the Coven and Misty and Cordelia are trying to get themselves and their 3 kids into their costumes to go trick or treating.

POV: 3rd person

"Momma! I can't find my witches hat!" Amelia yelled from her room.

"It's on the kitchen table!" Misty yelled back, putting the white makeup paint onto her face.

Misty had grown accustomed to the constant noise that came from the Coven. Before, it was the shouts and fits of laughter that came from teenage girls and the occasional boys. She was there through most of it and, after many hours, was able to tune it all out.

But everything changed when Misty became pregnant with Amelia.

Cordelia and Misty both thought it would be best to move into the smaller house beside the coven for everyone's sake. A newborn in a house full of girls where some didn't like kids was a recipe for disaster. But as Amelia grew older and started showing powers like her mothers, she spent more time at the Academy with the other girls, learning and getting into mischief together.

Then, when Amelia was 3, Cordelia became pregnant with twin boys.

The little house that they bought became more important than ever. Because of Cordelia's age, the fact she had twins, her history of infertility, she had to go to the doctor's often and had to take a leave of absence from the Academy for a while. After the twins were born, Cordelia stayed home more often and was able to do her supreme duties mostly at home.

It was a lot of hard work, being supreme and a mother of 3 and being a wife, and Misty recognized that. She did everything in her power she could to make Cordelia's life easier and happier, and Cordelia did the same for Misty.

Halloween was everyone's favorite holiday, especially in the Coven. When Amelia was born, Cordelia put in a strict no alcohol around the baby rule, which everyone did follow, surprisingly. They kept this rule for Noah and Mason as well, but it was a little less strict. But tonight, getting 3 kids, Cordelia, and herself into costumes, Misty needed a drink or two.

"Done." She said to herself, leaning back from the mirror.

Cordelia had had the idea that she would be Sally and Misty would go as Jack, and the kids could be Oogie-Boogie's kids. Amelia would be Shock, Noah would be Lock, and Mason would be Barrel, all from "Nightmare Before Christmas".

Misty admired the makeup she had done in the mirror for a second before there was a thump and a cry. She ran out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the source of the thump, the boys bedroom. Mason was laying on the floor, his blonde curls splayed out everywhere, his one blue eye turning crystal, and his brown eye becoming brilliant against the reds.

"Hey, what happened?" Misty said, kneeling down to her son.

"Milly h-hit me then took m-my bag." He cried.

"Did not!" Amelia said, not knowing she was still holding the bag in her hand. Her straight blonde hair was teased out under her witches cap, her brown eyes shining.

"Amelia Katherine. What have your mother and I told you about taking things from them?"

"Not to do it." Amelia mumbled, dropping the tote bag.

"You better be nicer or Sandy Claws is gunna give you coal!" Noah said, running past his sister and into the bedroom beside Misty. He and Mason were mirror images of each other, except their eye color's were switched.

"All of you better get a move on if you want to go trick or treating tonight!" Cordelia yelled down the hallway.

Suddenly, the kids perked up and ran out of the room and into the main room, slipping their shoes and the accessories to their costumes on. Misty followed her 3 wild spirits and came face to face with her Delia. Even as a zombie, she looked stunning. Her dark blue makeup was done perfectly, her wig sat flat against her head, her dress looked just as it did in the movie, and the stitch lines looked real. She looked at her wife in awe.

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