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A/N: Y'all I'm so sorry this story is so long lmaaooo. It's 4805 words, about 17 pages! But I do hope you still like it! And happy holidays! :)

I meant to post this over Christmas and it just didn't happen lol my bad 

Prompt: It's Christmas time in the asylum and Mary Eunice has a gift for Lana Winters.

POV: Mary

  For the first time in probably my whole life, I walked the halls of Briarcliff Manor with excitement. I don't really know how I did it, but I managed to get a day pass for Lana Winters from the asylum. And I got to be her supervisor for the day. I was absolutely thrilled since it was a few days before Christmas and we were going to be able to get lunch, see some sights, maybe view the lights, and I had a little Christmas present of my own for Lana. 

   Lana Winters and I became very close in her recent time of Briarcliff. She was committed on unfair grounds and I knew it wasn't right. I wanted her to know that she did nothing wrong and that she didn't deserve this. The more that we talked, the more I learned that homosexuality isn't wrong. It isn't a sin at all. It's love, just like heterosexual love is. 

   Then, I developed feelings for her. 

   At first it was difficult because she's the patient and she was institutionalized because of her "condition". But one day, I slipped her a note while she was in my office. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I stared out the window. I heard her get up from the chair and I held my breath to listen to her next moves. She came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder, prompting me to turn around and face her. I did turn and was met with a massive smile as she intertwined her fingers in mine. I was also smiling and giggling quietly, but I was still nervous. I had never even held anyone's hand before, not romantically. I think Lana sensed my unease and she lightened her grip in my hand.

   "I like you too." She whispered.

   After that, Lana and I started "dating". I use quotes because, how much dating can two women do when one is a patient in an asylum and the other is a nun that works in the asylum? Overtime we both became more comfortable with each other. Our other problem was not getting caught. But we got good at hiding ourselves from others. The two main problems were Dr. Arden and Sister Jude, everyone else could usually just be paid off. 

   I was practically running to the hall where the cells are located. I was so excited to get to see and tell her. I slowed down a bit when I got to the intersections of the halls. I wanted to look calm and professional so that I didn't raise any suspicions. As I continued my walk, I noticed Frank, the main security guard for the wing. 

   "Frank, will you get me Lana Winters please?" 

   "Yes ma'am." 

   I watched as Frank walked down the hall, being able to block out most of the noises by now. When I first got to Briarcliff, it was always so loud, especially where the patients were held. Screaming, crying, pleading, begging, laughing, anything. Just constant noise. 

   Frank unlocked Lana's cell door and I watched as she walked out. She was pale, her hair was matted, her eyes were dark and she had deep bags under her eyes. She had a hard time sleeping, she was losing weight rapidly. Her mental health was declining for so many reasons. She was shaking from the cold, her blue patient dress not giving her enough covering. Her slippers made weird noises against the concrete flooring and I knew they provided very little protection. 

   But when she saw me, she smiled. I felt my chest get warm and I smiled back. 

   "Thank you, I can handle her from here." I said as Lana got to my side. 

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