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Prompt:  Lana Winters attends the pool party that Mary Eunice is at, before they both get to the asylum. After the horrible prank, Lana finds Mary and comforts her. 

POV: Lana

I was sitting in the back of the yard, away from everyone else. I don't even know why I was invited to this party, I didn't want to be here, but my family forced me. They told me I needed to make more friends and to experience life more. But none of these people were my friends. Some of them I didn't even know. 

Well, some of that wasn't true. There was one person here who I thought the world of. Mary Eunice McKee is a literal angel that is walking this Earth. She has always been so sweet, lovely, and kind to me and everyone she comes into contact with. I don't understand why anyone would want to do any harm to her. 

But I see where some of the bullies are coming from. Mary is extremely innocent, so she is highly gullible. Whenever I see her, I just want to hold her close to me and protect her from everyone and everything. I know she deserves only the very best, and this life was not dealing her any favors. It never dealt anyone favors. 

Mary and I never really talked, we shared a couple of classes together but she was always really shy and reserved. I was more vocal in my opinions and always let people know what I was thinking, and I would stick up for her when I was there to help her. Though she would just whisper a quick "thank you", duck her head, and be on her way again. 

Today was a little different though. Sylvia was hosting a pool party and apparently Mary was the guest of honor, probably because she had never been invited to a party before, probably ever. But I knew something was going to happen to the woman, I just didn't know what yet. Everyone was talking among themselves when a tall, pale, bright blue eyed woman started walking quickly towards me, smiling. 

"Lana!" She said, her board smile lightening my dark mood. 

"Hi Mary!" I said, opening my arm to let her hug me, which she happily obliged. 

"I'm so glad you could make it today!" 

"I am too." I lied. 

"Did you see Tiffany's robe? It has sequins on it!" She squealed. 

"Yeah I did! My bathing suit-" I started, but was cut off by Sylvia herself. 

"Mary!" She said in a fake high pitched voice. 

We both turned and Mary smiled but she looked a little uncomfortable. 

"Oh and uh, Lana." Sylvia said, looking me up and down. 

"Hi." I muttered, stealing glances at Mary. 

"What are you two doing back here? It's a pool party! Come out into the sun! Don't be a couple of vampires!" Sylvia joked, pulling Mary out of the spot and baring her teeth. 

"Bite me." I growled. 

"I wouldn't give you that pleasure, lesbian." She hissed.

My blood ran cold. No one in the school knew I was a lesbian, it was just a rumor. Well, a true rumor. But, as far as anyone else knew, a rumor none the less. Being a homosexual is frowned upon in this era, and I could only hope that it would get better. 

I watched as Sylvia talked to Mary, who was clutching her robe around herself. She was scared. She kept looking around at everyone, and we caught each others eyes again. I tried giving her an "everything is okay" look, but she didn't believe it. I didn't believe it either. 

"Get up on the diving board! You're our guest of honor!" Sylvia said, lightly pushing her along. 

I crossed my arms over my chest and watched with curiosity and nervousness. Mary got onto the diving board and everyone was smiling and laughing. 

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