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Prompt: Mary and Lana are at the farmers market when Lana overhears some of a conversation that Mary is having with a random man and gets jealous. 

POV: Mary

   After 6 years of dating, I still get butterflies when Lana asks if I want to go to the farmers market. We try to go every other weekend and spend the rest of the day together. Usually the week days are too hectic. Between work, therapy, Lana's press, and our healing, there isn't a lot of time to spare. The farmers market is a nice break for both of us, and any reason I can use to spend time with my girlfriend is a perfect one to me. 

   It's still weird to think that Lana is my girlfriend. After being ingrained with something for so long, you start to believe parts of it. Of course, I don't think Lana, or anyone, should suffer the way they did at Briarcliff, but I did think that something was wrong for being queer. I had my own doubts, but any time I brought them up to anyone, especially someone in the church, it was shut down instantly. I was told to keep my eyes focused on God and He would lead me in the right direction. 

   Although many others would disagree, I believe God has led me in the right direction, right where I'm supposed to be. It shouldn't matter that I'm with a woman, I'm in love, she loves me, and everything with us is wonderful. Life is stressful, sure, but I know that when I come home and when Lana comes home, I come into a place where I'm loved. Where I'm accepted. Where I'm happy. I've never had that before, and now I do. 

   "Babe, are you ready?" Lana asked, coming out of our shared bathroom. 

   "I am." I replied, tying my long blonde hair behind me. 

   "Lets go." She said, taking my hand and smiling. 

   Holding hands in public is a luxury that we cannot yet afford. People see two women holding hands and it's the end of the world. Yet, they can conveniently ignore those dying from starvation or homelessness. 

   "There are bigger problems in this world than two men kissing or two women kissing." Lana says, and I completely agree. 

   It wasn't a long walk from our house to the market. We tended to walk in silence, taking everything in. After being locked away for so long, it was easy to forget what the rest of the world was like. How the light catches the pansy flower fields after a rain shower, making the petals shimmer. How hearing people talk about their hopes and plans. How the smell from the bakery seemed to lift you off your feet. How feeling the different ingredients in your hand, knowing they're fresh, not just something the city donated because it was old but they wanted to say that they at least gave food to those in need. 

   How it feels to live again. 

    The shop was a bit large, it held dozens of farmers and the crops they brought, as well as the customers. There were new people every time we came, but there were also a couple of sellers that Lana and I have a good relationship because we always buy from them. 

   Something that is hard for us to find at the local market is bananas. I'm not sure why, whether or not it was to do with the season or something else entirely, but I love bananas, especially when I know it's fresh grown. 

   So, when we entered the farmers market and saw a person selling bananas, I almost cried with joy. 

   "Oh my gosh Lana! Look!" 

   "I see! Why don't you go get us some bananas then? I'll go get the apples from Mr. Buford and some cherries from Mrs. Liz." Lana said, patting my arm. 

   I nodded with excitement as I walked over to the stand. There was a man sitting on a stool behind the small counter, he was a little older, probably Lana's age. He was tall and heavy set with a long face and short black hair. His wide rimmed glasses sat on top of his head and his dark green eyes watched me as I approached him. As I got closer, he became more lively, eventually standing tall. When I stood in front of him, he loomed over me, much like Dr. Arden used to. 

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