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A/N: A bit of a pick-me-up from the last Bananun lmao. This story is so smutty omg lol. Just be prepared!

Prompt: A night of cuddles and comfort quickly turns a little...sexier.

POV: Lana

Saturday nights were always my favorites. Mary and I would either be at a friends house with some alcohol, or curled up in bed all cuddled up, like tonight. As much as I love mine and Mary's friends and do love spending time with them, it is nice to not have to worry about hosting or having enough energy. That it's enough to just be with my favorite person in the world.

But Mary, like everyone, has needs and wants. She doesn't talk about them though, but after being a couple for 7 years, I know her well enough to know what she wants and how to give it to her. Little hand twitches in public means she wants to hold my hand. Biting her lip means she has something to say but doesn't want to be silenced. Scratching her neck means she's anxious.

It's the little things.

Over the 7 years, we've also learned how to please each other. She doesn't like to have the strap used on her, I don't like my hair being pulled. I know every way her hips buck and the sweet moans that carry through our house, allowing her to be as loud as she wants to be. She has a praise kink, I like to get strapped down.

Again, it's the little things.

As we laid in bed watching TV, I wanted to watch her squirm and hear those lovely noises escape her. She was laying against my stomach between my legs, so I had easy access to all the areas of her that I wanted. I moved a little so that we were both sitting up a little more and I started massaging her shoulders.


"Does that feel good baby?"


"Do you want to move up and I can kiss your neck?"

Mary looked at me with wide blue eyes that quickly became stormy with want. She did exactly as I asked and my mouth immediately went to kissing her neck. My hands slithered down her chest and to her night shirt, which I immediately got off her. I placed sloppy wet kisses on her neck as my fingers fondled her breasts, flicking her rosebud nipples.

"God you feel so good Mary." I complimented, watching the blood rush to her cheeks.


"Shhh, let me take care of you my beautiful girl. You're doing so good. I love looking at you, feeling your heat against me."

I then moved my hands lower and she slipped her underwear off so that she was fully nude. Her pale skin was shining under the light of the lamps in our room and I could feel the room get warmer as she spread her legs.

"Fuck I love watching you spread your legs for me."

A quiet moan escaped her as I worked my way down and attached my lips to her neck again.

As I moved closer to her core, I kissed her and complimented her, making her shudder. I reminded her that I loved her and that this was a safe place, that I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

That I had her for always and forever.

I then swiped my finger through her slick folds. She groaned and bucked against me as I flicked her clit and laughed.

"P-Please Lana."

"You're such a good girl for asking so nicely." I replied, then plunged my fingers into her.

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