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Prompt: One night, Mary is decorating the lobby for Christmas. Lana is allowed out of her cell and joins the woman in their Christmas festive. 

POV: 3rd Person 

Lana Winters stared up at the blank ceiling as she lay in her cold cot. She didn't know why they gave them blankets in the winter when they didn't do anything to keep out the cold. But Lana was one of the lucky ones. Some patients didn't get blankets, some didn't even get a bed. And others, the least fortunate ones, were 6 feet underground. 

"Or are they the luckiest ones?" Lana whispered to herself as she rolled over in her bed, facing the door.

Her dirty brown hair felt like sheets of paper against her head, her skin felt grimy with dirt. She hadn't been allowed to take a proper bath in weeks. Her insides felt just as disgusting as her outsides. The medicine that Dr. Thredson had been giving her to "cure" her of her homosexuality was doing more than make her puke in front of him. She was having severe stomach pains, headaches, dizziness, and would occasionally vomit blood, even without the medicine wreaking havoc in her veins. 

She got out of bed, not wanting to think of that anymore. No one in here cared about what happened to Lana anyway. She walked to the large metal door of her cell and turned the knob. To her surprise, it opened. Usually the doors stay locked at night, but tonight one of the guards must have bypassed her cell. She didn't have any kind of plan to escape, nor did she attempt to make one. But, she did want to take the time to walk around on her own, undisturbed. Lana could sense by the quiet around her that everyone else was asleep, and she knew that all the guards went to their respected rooms after the patients settled down. 

It was just Lana. 

She slipped out of her dark cell and into the moonlight that slanted in through the bared windows above her. It cast shadows across the floor, giving her just enough light to navigate her way to the hallway that would lead to the kitchen and the entertainment room. Her footsteps were quiet and neat, not making much sound. 

As she approached the entertainment room, she heard music. Her brows knitted together in confusion, and a little bit of fear. There was no telling who was in there, and if she was caught by the wrong person, things would be bad. Extremely bad. 

Lana walked a little closer and saw that the doors to the entertainment room were already open, just enough for Lana to glance in and see who was listening to music. 

Sister Mary Eunice stood swaying her hips, humming to the music, and decorating the giant Christmas tree. The nun was stood on a ladder hanging little red balls on string. Lana recognized the music that Mary was listening to, "Deck the Halls". Lana smiled, watching her with fascination. 

 Mary was different in the asylum. She cared for everyone and everything, no matter their sins. She was very devoted to God, and Lana knew that Mary was the most perfect angel. Lana had never seen Mary being mean or rude to anyone, despite what some of the other patients had done to the woman. She didn't deserve to be in this place, no matter how much she said it was okay. 

 Mary leaned over to get another ornament, but lost her footing on the ladder. Lana watched them both tumble over, a quiet yelp escaping her usually quiet lips. Lana immediately ran into the entertainment room, not thinking of anything else. 

"Sister Mary!" She said, crouching to knees beside the blonde woman. She brushed some of the blonde bangs out of her face, and cupped her pale cheek. A couple seconds later, her eyes opened to reveal soft blue hues, gentle ones. Blue eyes that held the ocean in them, with every kind of life you could imagine. Lana wouldn't mind drowning in that ocean. 

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