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Prompt: Lily is finally able to come home from a long trip but when she gets home she sees that Sarah and Holland have been spending a lot of time together. 

POV: Sarah 

It's been 4 weeks since Lily left to go shoot for a movie in North Carolina. And she wouldn't be back for another 2 days. I missed her dearly and I texted her every hour of the day that I could, and we video-called each other every night. I loved seeing her adorable face light up as the cameras connected. 

Since Lily was gone and I had a hard time sleeping on my own in general, I invited a friend of mine, Holland Taylor, to stay until Lily came home. Holland and I would typically sleep in the same bed, which neither of us had a problem with. But, we were also an affectionate pair. We would always walk down the street holding hands, holding each other in the cold temperatures, and if it got bad enough, Holland would sometimes hold me while I cried about Lily not being home. 

Lily knows that Holland is at the house, and she says she's fine with it. I know she gets worried when Holland comes around, Lily is insecure about herself. However, I always do my best to remind her that she is the one that I want to be with, not anyone else. Every time we talk I tell her I love her and how much she means to me, even though I could never truly tell her how much she means to me. Lily is truly my everything. 

I looked at my watch and saw it was 8 p.m. which is usually when Lily and I video-call. I went to my laptop and opened it to see that she was online, but she hadn't sent me a message. I thought it was odd at first but I thought she was just tired, they were wrapping soon so she had done a lot of work recently. I decided I would send her the first message. 

"Hey baby!" 


"Do you wanna video call?" 


With that, I hit the little video camera on the screen, and the familiar ringing sound rang through my ears. I was so excited to see her sweet face again, and to know that she was going to be home soon was absolutely thrilling. Once the camera connected and I saw Lily, a wide smile spread across my face. 

"Hi baby girl!" I said. 

She looked up from her phone and smiled sweetly at me. "Hey babe." 

I noticed her face and eyes were a bit red, as well as puffy. When she breathed, her nose was a little stopped up, and her hair was in a messy bun atop her head. She looked like she had been crying. 

"Are you okay Lils?" 

Lily quickly locked her phone and set it down beside her on the bed, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, I was just reading. How are you?" 

I didn't quite buy it but I wanted to give Lily the freedom and ability to talk whenever she felt like it, not when I pressured her to talk. So I shrugged it off and kept my smile. 

"I'm good! Holland ordered Chinese for dinner so we just finished eating and were getting ready to sleep." 

Her face dropped a little more as she blinked rapidly. "O-Oh she's at the house still?" 

My chest started aching a little. "Yeah, is-is that okay?" 

Lily chewed on her lip and nodded. "Yeah it is." Suddenly, her face lit up. "Hey guess what lovepants?" 


"I'm headed home soon! Like I leave for the airport in 10 minutes!" 

The ache from my chest vanished immediately and I felt adrenaline fill my veins. "Really? Oh Lily that's so exciting! How long of a flight?" I asked. 

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