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Dedicated to my own Cordelia who makes me the happiest and wettest girl in the world! I adore you babe! 

Prompt: It's 2 a.m. and both Cordelia and Misty are awake with things on their mind. 


POV: Misty 

I laid in bed, Cordelia's body pressed against mine. I was facing up to the ceiling while her head lay on my chest with her hands and arms securely around my waist. Her legs were wrapped around mine and my arms were around her shoulders. We were holding each other as tightly as we could, never wanting to have to leave to go back into the world. 

Cordelia shifted a little beside me and her mouth found my neck, where she started placing gentle kisses. I giggled as she went around the skin with her lips, but her gentleness started to become a bit harsher, her tongue running on the skin. I opened my mouth but before I could get a word out, she bit me. Then she sucked the tender spot, making me moan quietly. 

"You like that?" She asked, turning a bit so she could get on top of me. 

I nodded while biting my lip, my center starting to ache with the familiar feeling. 

Cordelia hummed as her fingers came to my jaw and stroked it gently. "Be my good girl and you'll be rewarded then." 

Cordelia brought her lips to mine and kissed me deeply, but lovingly. Asking permission. I granted it by swiping my tongue on her bottom lip, and she knew. Her hands traveled down my body taking off my over sized tie dye shirt, revealing a simple pair of nude underwear. The cool air hit me quickly, making my nipples hard. Cordelia noticed because her hand trailed down from my jaw to my breasts, and she squeezed one gently. I moaned into her mouth and she smiled. 

I put my hands to work on her clothes too, her blue shirt was soon discarded with my tie dye shirt, and I slipped her shorts off with ease. We were both looking at each other, vulnerable. We trusted each other more than anything, and I knew Cordelia was going to take care of me. 

Cordelia kissed and sucked my collarbones as both her hands found my breasts. She palmed them gently as her kisses moved down all the way to the skin between my breasts. She licked it, making my nipples harder. Then, she bit, and quickly sucked to relieve the pain. 

I moaned out for her and my hips involuntarily bucked up, making our centers touch for a second. Cordelia moaned as her mouth moved to my breast and she took my nipple in her mouth, sucking it. My nails dragged lightly on her back as she kept sucking, harder. She twirled it around her tongue and then let go of it with a popping sound. 

I let out a breathy moan at the action and she moved to do it to the other nipple. Her hand trailed down my body and found my underwear, and gently ran her finger on the outside, teasing my folds. 

"D-Dee." I moaned. 

She let go of my nipple with another pop and smiled at me as she rubbed her whole hand against my clit that was protected by my underwear. My legs started shaking and I dug my nails deeper into her back. 

"Fuck me." I whispered, biting my lip at her. 

"I will baby. I will." She said lowly, trailing hot, open mouth kisses down my body until she was at my underwear. She used her teeth to get them off, making me wetter at the sight. She threw them off the bed, then bit harshly on the inside of my thigh. I cried out and she instantly sucked and kissed it to make it better. She bit the inside of my other thigh as well, just not as harshly. 

Then I felt the tip of her tongue on my clit, teasing me. 

"Fuck Delia." I whined. 

I heard her giggle as she ran her fingers through my wet folds, making me let out another breathy moan. 

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