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Hi everyone, 

A lot has been going on, as I'm sure you're all aware. I'm sorry I disappeared for a month, school (and life in general) became very overwhelming. I got out of school a couple weeks ago and had time to slow down. I have some new ideas and projects that I am working on and am excited to present. 

Second, but most importantly, if you've been watching the news or have any social media, you know about the Black Lives Matter protests. I want to make this abundantly clear. My beliefs and my page believes in the Black Lives Matter protests. Racism runs rampant through our government, our polices, and our institutions. I fully support every aspect of the Black Lives Matter protests and riots. Material goods can be replaced, human lives cannot be. 

As a white, queer woman, it is my responsibility to educate myself. Stonewall was a riot that was led by Marsha P. Johnson, an African-American transgender woman, Sylvia Rivera, a Latina drag queen, as well as Stormé Delarverie, an African-American butch lesbian. Without these three amazing women of color, WE would not have Pride. Let us not forget our roots. 

Again, to make this very clear, I, and my page, are:


Pro-Body positivity






Pro-Freedom of Religion

Pro-Sex workers

Pro-Do what makes you happy 

Stay safe out there. Keep going to the streets. We will scream and fight until everyone has justice. If I mess up, do please send me a message and tell me and I will fix it and I will educate myself. I will help to educate others. I am praying for you all. If you need anything, my DM's are open. I love each and every one of you. Take care of yourselves.


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