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PSA: I have not watched Apocolypse so some of this information might be flat out wrong so if it is, my apologies lol

POV: Misty and Cordelia take their kids, Amelia, Mason, and Noah on a drive around the neighborhood to see the Christmas lights. 

POV: Misty

   "Can we listen to Halloween music?" Amelia asked as we climbed into the car. 

   "No Millie, it's not Halloween anymore." I said. 

   "Can we make it Halloween again?" She asked. 

   "No." Cordelia responded as she helped Noah into his car seat. 

   "Where we goin' Mama's?" Mason asked, looking out his window. 

   "A little trip around New Orleans to see all the Christmas lights. Does that sound fun?" I asked. 

   "Be a lot more fun if there were Halloween lights." Amelia said, crossing her arms. 

   "Well, then I guess  you don't want the hot chocolate?" I replied, pulling out 5 thermos cans with hot chocolate. 

   The kids squealed as I handed out the 3 smaller cups to them while Delia and I got the larger mugs. The kids chocolate didn't have any sugar in them though. God knew I couldn't handle all 3 of them in a car hopped on sugar. 

   As Cordelia set the Map up on her phone, there were a few moments of silence while the kids drank their cocoa. I thought about how far Cordelia and I have come from when we first met at the Academy. I was scared, alone, and running for my life. I knew there were witch hunters, one of whom I found out was Hank, and they were looking for people like me and her. I came to the Academy to seek shelter. 

   I stayed for as long as I could, then got scared again and ran back to my hut. I didn't get bad vibes from the Academy, quite the contrary. Minus Madison, it was warm, loving, and welcoming. I finally felt happy and at home. I had, actually, found my tribe. 

   I ran away because of my feelings for Cordelia. I was falling for her, and fast. She had a boyfriend though. No matter how shitty he was, he was there and Cordelia stayed with him. Abusive relationships are difficult though, extremely rough to get out of once you're in. I felt horrible for leaving, that's why I came back after a while. I couldn't stand the idea of her being alone. 

   When I came back, Cordelia and I got closer and closer. We spent a lot of time together in the greenhouse, making new potions and finding new recipes for things. We taught each other a lot. And to be honest, we did make a great team. We're both powerful witches, her more than I though, obviously. After she broke up with Hank, our relationship really took off. We spent countless nights together of her crying and me doing my very best to help her. Sometimes that was holding her hand and telling her it was okay, other times it was me holding her and saying nothing as she cried. It hurt me to see her so upset, so broken. I wanted to make her better again. 

   Then, the Seven Wonders happened. I begged Cordelia to let me get out of it. I pleaded, cried, prayed, everything you could think of. But she said I had to do it. She reassured me that it was going to be okay. That maybe I was the next supreme, no matter how much I didn't want to be. When the day came, I thought about running away again to my hut, but I knew I couldn't. The disappointment that Cordelia would have had for me was too much to think about. So I stayed and did the Seven Wonders. Everything was going fine until we had to do descensum. I was the most nervous for that one because the sound of my own personal hell wasn't exactly pleasant. But, what was worse is that I was stuck there. I got stuck in my own personal hell for years. Years of nothing but screaming, crying, cutting open a frog, bringing it back to life, and repeating it. It was horrifying. 

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