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!!!!!!!TW: Abuse, self-harm!!!!!!!!

Prompt: Mary has awful nightmares and Lana comforts her. 

POV: Mary

   I was 6 years old. I walked the halls of my home, confused. Everything was backwards. Where my room usually was was replaced by my brother Isaac's room. Gemma's room hadn't even been made yet. I kept walking until I got to my parents bedroom, where the door was cracked and I heard crying. I peaked in and saw my father hitting Isaac with a belt repeatedly. I ran into the room to protect my brother, but my mother snatched me by my hair and smiled sinisterly. 

   "Looks like we have another." She said, not sounding at all like herself. 

    My father turned away from his son and looked at me, his eyes a deep red color. My mother let go of me then kicked my back so that I fell face first into the hardwood. I rolled over in time to see the black leather being raised above my fathers head, then cracking down. I closed my eyes and screamed in the pain I anticipated, but I didn't feel anything.

   When I opened my eyes, I was 11 years old. I was in front of the bathroom mirror staring at myself. I felt a cold metal in my hand and knew what it was before I even looked at it. The sharp side of the blade faced out, ready to meet my skin. 

   I blinked and my arms were striped. Blood oozed down me and hit the floor silently. 

   "I'm tellin' Mama you're makin' a mess on the floor!" Gemma yelled, then her footsteps retreated to the living room where my parents were undoubtedly sitting and drinking. I heard some murmuring, then loud footsteps heading to the bathroom. I didn't attempt to move because I knew they wouldn't care, they may even delight in it. 

   When I opened my eyes, I was 16. I was at Veronica's pool party, my bathrobe around my body. I did think it was weird that we were going to be nude, but I didn't say anything. Veronica told me I was the guest of honor and that I should be on the high dive board. I went up and everyone counted down. On one I took my robe off and completely exposed myself while everyone else was in a bathing suit. I looked around in horror and then heard a camera flash somewhere to my left. I closed my eyes and jumped into the freezing pool water. 

   When I opened my eyes, it was present day. I was in a dark, cold room in only my bra and underwear, sitting down on the ground. I could hardly make out the figures stepping towards me, then fear took over me. Mom, Dad, Veronica, everyone who picked on me and beat me up emerged from the shadows with scary grins and malice in their eyes. 

   Then, Lana came forward. 

   "Lana pl-please help me." I whispered desperately. 

   "Oh honey," She said while kneeling to my level, "Only God can help you now." 

   With that, she delivered a slap to my face that rattled my jaw. I looked to her as betrayal filled my body. Everyone started walking towards me and began kicking, hitting, screaming at me. 

   "Worthless!" "Stupid!" "Coward!" "Bitch!" "Ugly!" 

   I screamed out in pain, wanting this to end, needing it to end. My eyes began to slip close as I-

   "Stop!" I screamed, shooting up in bed, panting. 

   "Mary, Mary." Lana said a little sleepily, but still sitting up and wrapping her arms around me. 

   I felt her hand gently caress my face, right where she had slapped me. 

   "It was a nightmare." She whispered, then kissed my cheek. 

   I continued panting and shaking. It felt so real. Everything felt so real. Maybe because it had happened to me. I gasped multiple times, trying to get my grip on reality again. I realized I was clutching Lana's shirt, but I didn't really care at the moment. 

   "You're safe. I'm here." She continued softly, bringing me back. 

   After a few more minutes of quiet promises of safety, small touches, and a constant hold on me, I felt a little better. My breathing came back to normal and I was no longer sweating. 

   "I-I'm s-sorry." I said, now embarrassed. 

   "Come here baby." Lana said, pulling me onto her lap and holding me closer. 

   "You have nothing to be sorry about. You've been traumatized." She said, tucking some of my blonde hair behind my ear. 

   "So have you." 

   "And you always take good care of me." She said with a smile. 

   "Yeah but yours is more-" 

   "Shush." She said, cutting me off and running her thumb over my lips. "Trauma is trauma Mary. We just have different experiences. And now, you're having a hard time. It's my turn to help you." 

   Finally, I nodded. I intertwined my fingers with hers as we stared at each other, and I felt completely comfortable again. Lana brought my hand to her lips and kissed them. 

   "You're okay angel. You're okay." She repeated while rocking me a little. 

   "I love you so much." Lana said, stroking my cheek. 

   "I love you so much." I said before a dreamless sleep consumed me. 

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