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Prompt: Misty surprises Cordelia with a trip to Disney for their one year anniversary. 

POV: Misty

A/N: This oneshot is dedicated to the Foxx to my Day, the Bana to my nun, the Aulson to my Raulson, the music to my song, the light in my life, the everything that I need. Happy one year my love. Te amo 3000 c:

  I had my computer in the greenhouse, finishing some of the last minute items needed for a day of wonder. There was 5 minutes left until midnight, the day of mine and Cordelia's one year anniversary. One whole year of happiness, laughter, love, warmth, joy, and every other positive emotion I could think of. I cracked my knuckles as I finished my letter that I would give to Cordelia tonight, finishing with, "Love, Misty." I then read the letter over once more and hit the print button. 

  I smiled and closed my laptop, looking at the pictures in front of me that were not yet put into the scrapbook. There were a couple pictures in front of me of me and my wife. Although we've only been married for one year, we were dating for at least 5 years. We decided to tie the knot and become married and it has been the most magical time of my life. 

  Cliche, I know. 

  I picked up the first picture and it was the first one that me and Cordelia ever have with each other. It was 6 years ago, a few months after we first met, and we were sitting on the wooden porch swing of the Academy. Zoe was taking some pictures for a photography class and she snapped one of me and Cordelia, laughing at a joke she had told. 

  Cordelia always is the funnier person in the relationship. 

  I slipped that picture in to the last page of the scrapbook. The next picture I picked up is the most recent picture of the two of us, one that I took of us kissing in front of one of the flower beds at my hut in the swamp about two weeks ago. I put that picture in the same page as the first picture. I felt my grin grow wider as I looked at the difference between the two pictures. 6 years in between and my love for her has only grown. Each day I think I can't love Cordelia more, yet she proves me wrong each time. 

  Then, the clock struck 12 am. I quickly closed it, hid the scrapbook and note in the bottom of my suitcase, then went back upstairs as quietly as I could. 

  When I walked into the bedroom I shared with Cordelia, I saw my wife sleeping in the bed, with Binx the black cat and Buddy the corgi curled up at the end of the bed. Cordelia's blonde hair was spread out behind her head. Soft snores escaped from her mouth, even though she swore up and down that I was the one who snored. I shook my head as I crawled into bed and wrapped my arm around her, kissing her neck gently. 


  Hours later, Cordelia's alarm went off, causing us both to wake up. Buddy and Binx hopped off the bed, knowing it was almost time to go outside. I rolled over at the same time she did, and our heads bumped, causing us to giggle. 

  "Happy anniversary my love." I whispered, placing a gentle kiss on her nose.

  "Happy anniversary baby." She whispered back, pulling me to her and kissing my lips. 

  When we both leaned back, she sat up and got out of bed, ready to start the day. 

  "Are you excited?" I asked, putting a hand over my eyes. 

  "Yes! And you should be too! We're going to Disney!" She squealed. 

  "I know, I booked the tickets!" I said, falling back asleep. 

  "Wake up!" Cordelia said, jumping on the bed and startling me back awake. 

  "Dee!" I said, laughing and shaking the rest of the sleepiness off of me. 

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