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This is dedicated to my own someone special, I love you snowflake :)

Prompt: It's Lily and Sarah's 4 year anniversary and Lily decides she wants to take Sarah on a trip to New York City for Christmas as an anniversary present to her girlfriend 

POV: Lily 

4 years ago, Sarah asked me to be her girlfriend. She asked me by meeting me at our favorite coffee shop in Kentucky where we both lived at the time, and she brought a bouquet of poppy flowers, my favorites. I almost started crying because it was so wonderful. Of course I said yes, and the rest has been history. 

Over 4 years, we've had our fair share of ups and downs. But one thing that has only gotten better is my love for her. I don't know how, but everyday I find something new to love about her. Loving Sarah is the easiest thing I've ever done, she always makes me feel so special and loved. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend than her. 

That's why I planned this trip. Ever since she told me she loved Christmas and NYC, I began saving money for us to go. I knew it would be a while before we even had the chance to go because we both had crazy work schedules and crazy expenses that come with being alive. But this year, I finally saved enough for us to go and do everything we said we wanted to do. And I still wish I could have captured her reaction when I told her. She got the biggest smile, she squealed, and jumped into my arms. At the beginning of our relationship, I promised her I would always catch her. This time was no different. Holding her like that, where we both were so happy and excited for the times ahead, was one of the happiest, most calm moments of my life. If I had to live in that moment forever, I would. Everything was perfect.  

And now we're here. We've spent a couple days already in NYC, just sight seeing and shopping. But tonight was special. It was snowing, which she loved. The lights were also strung on all the buildings, reflecting off in a gentle way in the dark night where there was no glare from the sun on the small snowbanks. Snowflakes landed peacefully on the small trees that were planted around the town, which led us to the center of the area where a giant Christmas tree was set up, complete with lights, ornaments, and a massive star on top. Sarah and I were standing at the base of the tree together, looking up at it and admiring it. 

Well, she was admiring the tree, I was admiring Sarah. 

She had on a white beanie that sat snugly around her head. Her face was pale from the cold, except for her nose which was red. She had on a dark red leather jacket with black leggings and white converse shoes, with dark blue mittens on her hands, keeping hers, and mine, warm. I didn't have anything on my head even though my ears were numb, I had on a green button-up jacket with black leggings on as well with pink snow boots and I had on black mittens. 

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She asked, struck with wonder. 

"It is." But we were seeing the beauty in two different things. 

Then she turned to me and smiled. "I meant the tree silly." 

"And I meant you." 

"You're so sweet. Planning this whole trip and everything, it's wonderful Lily."

"Well you deserve the best and only the best love. You're so amazing."  

"And I have the very best with you." Sarah replied, then stood on her tiptoes to peck my lips. 

I smiled and returned the peck, and wrapped my arms around her, holding her to me protectively. She gently placed her hand on my cheek and ran her thumb across my cheekbones, making me melt into her touch. 

"Oh!" I said, remembering the other gift I had for Sarah. 

"What?" She asked as I dug around my jacket pocket. 

I then pulled out a small snow globe with two snowmen with a blue and purple scarf on. The blue was Sarah as it's her favorite color, same for me being purple. There was also two little snow-dogs and a snow-cat, our sweet animals that my brother was taking care of while we were on this trip. The snowflakes were rainbow because of our sexuality and I thought it was funny. 

Sarah's mouth widened into a smile and her eyes sparked against the tree lights with pure delight. I knew she liked snow globes but for some reason I had never gotten her one in our relationship. I wish I had so I could have seen this reaction sooner. 

"It's us!" She said, bouncing a little while her smile got wider and she showed her teeth. 

"It is." I agreed, laughing and kissing her temple. 

Sarah looked up at me, happiness sparking in her eyes. "Lily, this...all of this...it's so beautiful. Thank you for this amazing time together." 

"I would spend forever and a day with you lovepants." 

Sarah laughed and snuggled into my chest. "I love you so much lovepants." 

"I love you so much Sar Bear." 

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