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Prompt: Misty and Cordelia are ready to ring in the new year together!

POV: Cordelia 

"No you dummy, I said move it to the left!" Queenie said, covering her eyes with her hands. 

"This is my left!" Nan retorted. 

"Your other left then you crackass!" 

Nan huffed as she moved the banner to the right, and Queenie finally smiled. 

"Perfect! Now tape it to the wall!" 

Once Nan did that, Madison walked into the room, undoing the tape telepathically, causing the entire banner to fall. 

"Oooo." Madison frowned, looking at the banner on the ground, "It's a little crooked." 

"You bitch!" Queenie screamed. 

I finally decided to enter the room and defuse the situation. "Girls! Are you really going to spend your last few hours of 2019 bickering?!" 

"That toothpick undid the banner that I worked so hard on!" Queenie yelled. 

"You?! I made it!" Nan replied. 

"Doesn't matter, it looked like shit anyway." Madison said, putting her hand on her hips. 

"Enough!" I said, holding my hand up. 

All three of them looked over at me, waiting to see whose side I would take. I huffed and shook my head, knowing no one would ever be pleased. 

"Madison, don't be a bitch. They worked hard on that, like you work hard on being a good actress." 

"She needs a lot more practice." Queenie mumbled, but I shot her a glance and she rolled her eyes. 

"I don't see what the big deal is. Only my friends are coming to the house, and they'll think it's ugly anyway." Madison said, then walked off. 

"Do you girls want help putting the banner back up?" I asked, after a pause. 

"No, we can do it." Nan said, looking at Queenie. 

"If you say so." Queenie replied, shrugging. 

I smiled and excused myself, ascending the stairs of the academy and going into the bedroom that I share with Misty. 

"Hey there honeybun." She said, setting her book down as I entered. 

"Hi baby." I replied, flopping onto the bed. Misty rolled over and pulled me into her arms, kissing my ear and neck gently. 

"Are you ready to bring in the New Year?" She asked. 

"I suppose. Not a lot will change. Everyone will make resolutions that they won't keep, there'll be a bunch of alcohol, maybe a fight." 

Misty laughed which sent chills through my body. Everything she did was perfect to me, and electrified me in ways I didn't know or understand before. 

"Well, before our big night then, why don't we nap?" 

I nodded and turned so that I could bury my face in her neck, taking in the sweet scent of various flowers she had been working with earlier. Her soft skin met mine as we tangled ourselves together, never wanting to let go. 

"I love you Mist." 

"I love you Delia." 


I woke up a few hours later alone in bed. One of the lamps in the room was on and I saw Misty's pile of clothes in the floor. I groaned and rolled over to check the time, 6 p.m. The party started at 7 so I still had an hour to get ready. I decided against a shower since I had one last night with Misty, so I got up to start my hair and makeup. 

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