
498 16 2

!TW: Abuse!

Prompt: Billie Dean and Nora are allowed to spend some time together one evening. This is a longer prompt story however!

POV: Billie Dean Howard


"Roaring 20's my ass." I muttered to herself as I shoved my low amount pay stub into my purse and kept walking to my house while lighting a cigarette. The cool December breeze pushed my shoulder length blonde hair out of my face and numbed my ears. I was not yet decorating for Christmas, truth be told I didn't have a lot of decorations to put up. It's not that I dislike Christmas, I just never had a reason to like it in the first place.

I got to the large wooden door of my house, unlocked it, and went in. It was warm but dark, comforting but still a little scary. I flicked on the light switch and the main room lit up, everything in its place. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and set my stuff on the couch, walked into the kitchen, and pulled out a bottle of wine. I didn't bother with a glass, instead I unscrewed the bottle and took a swig of it.

The house was quiet, which unsettled me a little.

I channeled her energy but felt no other presence in the house, all of my housemates were gone, which is not surprising. Ned and Ariel always went out on Friday night, Keith and Becky were probably at work, and no one really ever knew where Zach and Maggie were. I like her housemates, they were all a bit younger than me but still very respectful. We were all friends. But I could hardly afford to go out as much as they did, all 6 of them had very secure, well-paying jobs.

All except me.

I shook her head and took another gulp of wine, screwed the cap back on, and put it in the fridge. I looked at the giant clock on the wall and saw it was 2 p.m., then the phone rang when it always does at 2 p.m.

I rushed over to the phone, and answered it, not even having to ask who it was.

"Hello?" I said anyway.

"Hi Billie Dean, it's Nora Montgomery."

I smiled against the phone, the woman's sweet voice carrying through the receiver.

"Hi Nora. You know you don't have to introduce yourself every day that you call, I know it's you." I said teasingly.

I heard Nora laugh on the other end, and my knees quivered.

"Are you busy?" Nora asked.


"Would you like to come over for some tea?"

"Of course I would. I can be there in 15 minutes." I answered, my smile growing.

"Sounds like a plan. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you either." I looked around the house again and whispered, "I love you." Into the phone.

The line was quiet for a second and I got nervous, that I had blown their cover. But then, a soothing voice came back over the line and answered, "I love you too darling." And then the dial tone.

I hung up her phone on the wall as well, butterflies dancing in my stomach. Nora Montgomery and I had been seeing each other for about three months now, under complete disguise as good friends. Nora was married to Charles, a bastard of a man. I was "single", not interested in a relationship.

No, not interested in a relationship with anyone except Nora Montgomery.


We had met when Nora and Charles Montgomery came into the diner that I waitresses at, The Cap And Knock Diner. I had immediately fallen in love with Nora. Her blonde hair done up in a bun with a curled strand on either side of her face, her tall and pale figure, her bright blue eyes, her sharp jawline, her contagious laugh and smile. Everything about Nora captured and held onto me in a way that I never thought possible. But I knew that within at least an hour, I would have to let go of the woman and never see her again.

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