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Prompt: (Innocent) Sister Mary Eunice is making her rounds for the night and notices that Lana Winters is not in her room. She asks Sister Jude if she has seen the woman, and she learns that Lana is in the infirmary. 

POV: Sister Mary 

The small heels on the bottom of my shoes tapped lightly in the halls of Briarcliff Manor. It was never quiet in these halls, but I did not want to make my presence anymore known than it already was. It is now 9 p.m., and all of the patients know that it is time for bed, and I have to do rounds to make sure everyone is safe. Of course there is the usual yelling, grabbing, hissing. It is all extremely scary, but I am able to ward everyone off with the promise of the guards near me. 

When I got to Lana Winters cell, I was shocked to find it empty. There was no sign of the brunette anywhere. I bit my lip in fear, and turned to the guards, who looked like stone, as usual. 

"Lana Winters has not been in her cell all day. Sister Jude told us not to worry about it." The guard on my left said, not looking at me. 

My heart started racing as I realized I had not heard Sister Jude talk about Lana at all today, had something happened to her? Was she hurt? All I could do was nod in response and keep walking, the heels tapping in perfect rhythm with that of the giant men behind me. 

Once I finished the round, I knocked lightly on Sister Jude's office door, knowing it was late but wanting to check on Lana. 

"Come in." A harsh voice said. 

I timidly went into the room, worried but trying to remain stable. 

"Ah, Sister Mary. What do you want?" Sister Jude asked bitterly, still sitting at her desk. 

"I-I was doing my r-rounds-" I began, but was cut off. 

"Stop stammering, you seem like a scared puppy that's about to be dumped into a river." 

I bit my lip and took in a deep breath, nodding. "Yes ma'am. Well I just finished my rounds and noticed Ms. Lana Winters is not in her cell." 

"You are correct." Sister Jude replied, not looking up from the book she was reading. An awkward silence filled the air as I searched for how to properly word my question. 

"I was wondering if-if she was okay?" I rung my hands together, a nervous habit of mine. 

Sister Jude glanced up from her book, her dark eyes squinting. "She's in the infirmary. Got struck in the ribs and a mark on the side of her face." 

I already knew my eyes were wide and that would be suspicious for Sister Jude. Despite wanting to care for all patients equally, there was something Lana and I shared. A special connection. And Sister Jude picked up on that connection, and she did not like it. 

"Oh okay, I was just checking." I said, smiling and nodding. 

"Mmm." Sister Jude put her finger over her mouth and held her chin, still squinting at me. I felt my heart rate increase as I was unsure of what was about to happen next. 

"Is something wrong Sister Jude?" I asked, my lip quivering. 

"Don't get too attached to any patient in this place Sister Mary. Especially that Winters woman. After all, she is a homosexual." 

"Yes ma'am, I-I understand." 

"Okay. Get out then. Off to bed you go." Sister Jude answered, waving me off. 

I quickly nodded and thanked her, then left her office. But I was not going to bed. I checked around me and, seeing the coast was clear, slipped my shoes off to be completely silent. I had to check on Lana. She was injured. I began walking towards the infirmary, tossing Sister Jude's words around in my head. I was not a homosexual, no. I did not like Lana Winters, except as a friend. That was dangerous enough. But, Lana treated me like a human. Like I was not evil in this place. She smiled kindly at me, she helped me, she would stand up for me. All her jokes made me giggle and her smile made me blush. She made my heart skip a few beats when she acknowledged me, even in the room full of other people. 

I stopped dead in my tracks. 

No, no it was not true. I did not like Lana Winters. I could not be gay. The Bible strictly is against it. 

But Lana Winters. 

I began walking again as I felt a heaviness inside my chest and I knew I had to do something. So, I decided to do something I had never really done before. Face the problem head on. 

I got to the doors of the infirmary and slipped my shoes back on. Lana was the only person I knew of in the rooms that needed the attention, but the dirty floor was less than desirable against my thigh high socks. I opened the large doors, my heart pounding in my chest. Suddenly, everything changed when I saw Lana laying on the bed, her eyes closed. 

I stepped lightly into the room and the door clicked behind me, and Lana's eyes shot open, revealing a tired set of brown eyes. And she was tired. After everything she has been through here at the hands of others, it was awful. 

"It's okay Ms. Winters, it's just me." I soothed, extending my hand and smiling so that she could see she could trust me. 

"Sis-Sister Mary. It's you." The pale brunette said, a smile creeping onto her lips, causing my own to become wider. 

"Yeah, it's me." I looked around the room and saw she was alone as I had thought. I went over to the bed which already had a chair pulled up next to it and sat down in it, peering down at Lana. It was true she had a mark on her temple, but it did not seem to be that bad. Of course I could never speak for the pain of another person, that is their own issue. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Well when I did rounds I saw that you weren't in your room and so I got worried." 

"You worried about me?" 

"Of course. You-you're my patient. I wanted to make sure you were taken care of." 

With that remark, Lana's spirit seemed to dim a little. I could tell I said something wrong, but I did not know what nor how to fix it. I bit my lip and frantically searched for the words that would make this situation better, but I was blank. All I could do was stare at Lana, desperately trying. 

"I'm fine. Leroy and I got into an argument, and he threw the checker board at me while we were standing, which is how it ended up on my ribs. Then in the fight to get me out of the room, a guard hit my head against the wall." 

"Oh no that's terrible." I tried soothing. 

Lana shrugged. "It's fine. Nothing new." 

"You shouldn't have to be used to this kind of handle though." I admitted, and she turned to look at me. 

"It's fine. I'll heal." 

Without thinking, I gently grabbed the hand that was laying on the bed. It was as if God intentionally moved my hand to hold hers in an attempt to comfort her. Lana looked up at me, a bit wide eyed. 

"Sister Mary, I-" 

I quickly pulled my hand back out of hers and stood up. "I'm so sorry. Please don't tell Sister Jude. Or-Or anyone. I-I'll leave now." I stammered, turning around, but stopping when I felt a warm hand in mine. 

"Don't leave, please. I-I liked it." She said, smiling up at me. 

I smiled down at Lana as I felt myself calm down a bit and sit in the seat again, never letting go of her hand. I felt at home. I felt at peace. I felt like, with my hand in hers, we could conquer the world. 

"I like you." Lana whispered up at me, her expression hopeful yet scared. 

"I like you too." I answered, using my free hand to caress her now bright red cheek. I felt myself leaning down and my eyes closing, then Lana's warm, pink lips against my own. Electricity went through my whole body and seemed to connect with hers. I felt alive. I felt that this was God saying this was okay. 

Being gay is not a sin. Love is not a sin. 

I pulled back slightly from Lana, just enough to get some air. Our lips brushed against each other gently as we both breathed heavily. 

"That was amazing." I whispered. 

Lana giggled and bit her lip. "I agree." 

With that, we locked our lips again, passionately and with a need for each other. I never wanted to let go of her or of this moment. 

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