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This one-shot is dedicated to my own Cordelia, my amazing and perfect girlfriend. Happy 3 months my love c:

Prompt: Cordelia and Misty are celebrating their 3 month anniversary together 

POV: Misty 

"There." I said to myself, arranging the yellow-orange roses in the vase. I then smiled, thinking of the last three months. Of course Delia and I have been talking for over three months, but it was on July 14 that, with red poppy flowers in her hand, asked me to be her girlfriend. 

Of course I said yes. 

And here we are, three months later. Our first month she had to travel to a conference, so we weren't able to be together. On our second month I had to go with one of my classes to an event and so we weren't able to be together. This is our first month spending our anniversary together for the day. 

Well, the afternoon at least. She had to teach and do supreme things while I had some classes and errands to run in the morning, but it was okay. I would take what I could get. But now that the day was over, everyone was gone to do their own activities and the supreme and I had the house to ourselves. So, I was setting everything up for us to have a little date night. 

I ordered her favorite from our favorite restaurant, spaghetti with Alfredo sauce. I also bought tiramisu since the last time I made it, it tasted awful even though Cordelia said that she liked it. I picked the ros from our garden in the greenhouse as well. That was always both of our most favorite places to be, besides our bed. I also got together a few of her favorite movies, and her Wonder Woman pillow that she likes to snuggle with when I have to be out of town. 

For now, I knew she would be happy with what I had for her. She was always happy with me, and she makes me extremely happy as well. She makes me feel things that I didn't even know were possible. Every time I see her smile, it makes my heart race even faster. When she tells me she loves me, my stomach bursts into butterflies. Her touches send shivers down my spine. Everything about her, I am so in love with. She makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the entire world that I get to call her mine every day, for everyone to know. 

I heard light footsteps on the stairs and smiled, knowing it was Cordelia. I knew she was busy with work and such, so it seemed like a rare occasion when we are able to get together for a date night, at least without the presence of other people. But tonight was ours to have. I wanted to do everything I possibly could to make tonight amazing for her. 

"Hi Mist." She said, smiling to me. 

"Hi Dee." I said, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. 

"What do you have there?" She asked, eyeing the roses. 

"Oh, these are for you!" I said, extending the vase to her. 

Cordelia's eyes lit up a bit and her smile grew wider. "These are beautiful baby. You really do have a green thumb!" 

"Ya know ya helped! Plants like having two moms I suppose." I winked at her. 

She giggled and my heart began racing again. I could've melted right into her. 

"I know but I've accidentally killed some of them and you brought them back for me." She replied. 

I shrugged. "It's what girlfriends do for each other. I'll always look out for ya and protect ya."

"And I'll do the same for you. You said you had something planned babe?" 

"Yeah!" I said, smiling and taking her free hand. "I got us dinner, some dessert, and movies for us to watch." 

She set the vase down and used both hands to pull me to her by my waist, her warm breath hitting my bare neck, making me quiver. "Oh I already know what I'm having for dessert." 

I giggled to release some of my own tension, then booped her nose gently. "You have to eat your normal food first." 

She huffed and released me, but I saw a hint of her smile. 

"Oh don't be mad at baby, I'll let you have your dessert later." 

Cordelia's smile returned, making me giggle to myself. She was always so cute, so adorable. She is always so perfect. And nothing could change my mind about that. 

"Lets have dinner and watch our movies! I'm starved!" I said, placing a kiss on Cordelia's forehead. She nodded and I went to the fridge to get our pasta and tiramisu out.

She was already in the main room with the first movie, Mary Poppins, in. "You're ahead of the game!" I said, handing her her plate of noodles. 

She licked her lips and looked at me. "Our favorites!" 

"Its been more than 3 months, I hope I know our favorite foods Dee." I then gave her a gentle peck on the lips. 

She smiled in the kiss but still held onto her food. "Ready?" I asked, pulling back.

She nodded quickly and with that, I started the movies. 

After a few hours, 4 bowls of pasta, and a lot of tiramisu and other snacks later, we were cuddled up on the massive couch. It was no secret in the coven that Delia and I are dating, mainly because I remind everyone every chance I get. Queenie made the joke that if it's ever quiet for too long, I'll just randomly blurt out that Cordelia and I are in love. 

And you know, she isn't wrong. 

But I don't mind if they make fun of me for it. Because I do love Cordelia. More than anything in the world. Things were never the easiest for either of us, but she reminds me daily how loved and important I am, and that she needs me. And I need her more than she will ever realize. She keeps me grounded in this life. She makes me happier than I ever thought possible, and she cares for me more than anyone has. She is my own ray of sunshine, my tender rose. 

I looked down at the almost sleeping woman in my arms. I knew she would be sleepy due to the food, movies, and me singing "Dreams" and "Landslide", her two favorite Stevie/Fleetwood Mac songs. She says my voice is soothing and that she loves it, but I think it's the opposite and that her voice is perfect. 

"Misty?" She whispered sleepily. 

"Yes baby?" 

"I love you so much." 

"And I love you even more." I answered, and she giggled, snuggling into my chest. 

I picked her chin up gently and brought her lips to mine. She always felt so gentle and caring, and she is. Every time we kiss, I feel whole again. I feel like I can do anything because I have her by my side, holding my hand, telling me that I can. And that is all that I need. 

We pulled back and she snuggled back into my chest. "Goodnight Misty. Happy anniversary. I love you." She whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my chest. 

"Goodnight Delia. Happy anniversary. I love you most." I replied, running my hand gently through her hair and peppering her face with soft kisses. 

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