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Prompt: Billie Dean and Nora decide to make a cake together.

POV: 3rd Person

Nora Montgomery paced the kitchen anxiously. It was 3:02 p.m. and Billie Dean said that she would be at the house at 3:00 p.m. Nora knew she had problems controlling her anxiety, but ever since she fell in love with Billie Dean Howard, it was worse. Not because of the other woman of course, but because Nora couldn't even leave the house herself, let alone protect Billie Dean from the outside world if something were to happen. The two exchanged phone numbers so that if something awful were to happen, they could call one another, but that didn't do any good if Billie Dean was...

Then Nora heard the front door open, and the sweet voice of her lover rang through the house. 

"Nora?" She called. 

Nora walked quickly into the room, smiling and bringing her girlfriend into her embrace. Billie Dean smiled and nestled herself in the embrace, knowing that it was where she belonged and where she always wanted to be.

Billie Dean knew about Nora's severe anxiety and did her very best to do everything she could for her, and Nora was extremely thankful to have a partner as loving and understanding as her.  

"Hi pumpkin." Nora finally said, smiling down at Billie Dean. 

"Hi baby." Billie Dean answered, standing on the tips of her toes to reach Nora's forehead and giving it a gentle kiss. 

"Did you get everything we needed?" 

"I believe so. I got boxed chocolate cake and all the ingredients for it, plus the icing. I also bought this pack of stickers with puppies and kittens wearing party hats!" 

"Billie Dean this is your third pack of stickers this week. And it's Monday!" 

"Got em, flaunt em." 

Nora rolled her eyes but smiled. "What ever shall I do with you?" 

"I have a few ideas." Billie Dean said, smirking. 

"Go wash your hands!" Nora said, pointing to the kitchen yet still giggling. 

Billie Dean lightly smacked Nora's butt and said, "As you wish, your majesty." Then she went to the kitchen. 

Nora felt her cheeks burning but decided to keep herself in check because of the other ghosts that tend to wander. She followed her love into the kitchen where she had set out the cake mix, oil, eggs, and water. The icing was beside the stove, and Nora had already set out the bowls, utensils, pan, and measuring cups. 

"Well, shall we get to it?" Billie Dean asked, tying her blonde hair up in a ponytail behind her head.

Nora nodded, mesmerized by the small acts that Billie Dean does. Tying her hair, how she giggles, how her bottom lip moves when she's tired, how she manages to light up an entire room with just her presence. 

"Okay so we need 1 and 1/4 cups of water, 1/3 vegetable oil, and 3 eggs." Billie Dean said, reading off the back of the box. 

"And the mix." Nora said, smiling. 

"Well duh. I'll turn on the oven and get it ready while you get the ingredients together." 

Nora nodded and stayed at the counter while Billie Dean went over to the oven. She stared at the ingredients and dumped them in the bowl, but saved the mix for last. Once she opened it and poured it in, there was a little mountain of mix. Nora took a little of the mix in her hand, turned around, and smiled. 

"Baby come here." She said innocently. 

"Yeah?" Billie Dean answered, walking to her. 

Once she got close enough, Nora threw the little bit of powder onto Billie Dean's lips, neck, and shirt. 

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