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A/N: Yet another collab with a wonderful person whom I have grown to absolutely adore. I hope you all enjoy it!

Prompt: It's Halloween night and Billie Dean decides to take Nora to her first pride event! 

POV: 3rd person 

It was October 31st, Halloween. The only day that the spirits could roam the streets. How cruel it was that someone made it that the ghosts were only allowed Halloween. Nora Montgomery had been looking forward to this day for a while, ever since her girlfriend, Billie Dean, said she had a surprise for her. She decided on wearing some of the more "modern" clothes that Billie wore so that people wouldn't become suspicious when they were outside of the house. She was excited to finally get out of the house and see how much the world had changed as it regularly does.

Billie normally woke up early in the morning but never this early. Today, was finally the day where she could take Nora out of the house. She was so excited because it was the very first time they were going out since they started dating. She had been waiting for this day for so long and, for her luck, there was somewhere when she was dying to take Nora to. She pulled in front of the house and stopped the car, turning it off and getting out of it. She grabbed some things from the back and made her way to the house. She was wearing a jacket to hide her shirt so Nora wouldn't see it just yet. She knocked on the door and waited for Nora to open.

Nora ran to the door, eagerly greeting Billie. "Hello my dear!" She said, smiling warmly

Billie smiled. "Hello, darling." She kissed Nora in the cheek. "How's my favorite gal?"

Nora giggled and opened the door more to let Billie in. "I'm alright, super excited for tonight! And yourself?!"

Billie stepped inside the house and closed the door behind her. "Oh, very excited." She smiled. "Well...I know I've been keeping the place we are going as a secret but...I think it's time for you to know." She bit her lip.

"Do tell!" Nora said excitedly

Billie smiled. "Alright so...I know you're still new to all this but...there's going to be an special Halloween parade downtown and it's not any Halloween parade BUT it's also a pride parade and I'd love it if we could go there so you can get to know more the community and also much the city has changed." She bit her lip as she waited for Nora's answer.

A pride parades. A parade celebrating who you love. A parade that shouldn't even exists because LGBT aren't any different than straights. Nora scrunched her nose a bit and looked out the window. "That's the surprise?" She asked, a little harsher than she meant

Billie's smile disappeared as soon as Nora made the question. "Oh uh...I-I just...I thought it fun." She said as she looked at her. "We can just uh...we can go somewhere else."

Nora noticed the change in Billie's demeanor and thought she wasn't thrilled; she wasn't going to ruin Billie's night. "No let's go. It'll be f-fun to learn new things." Nora said, wrapping an arm around Billie's shoulders

Billie tilted her head and looked at Nora. "No this..." she took a deep breath. "This is your first night out, I want it to be special. We can...we can just go somewhere else. I'll only need to change."

"Come here baby doll" Nora whispered, pulling Billie dean to her. "It's not my night Billie, it's OUR night. You're super excited about this and-and I'll see how it goes, okay?"

Billie sighed and nodded. "Fine. But if at any moment you feel uncomfortable, we leave, or you tell me. Got it?"

"Got it" Nora said and kissed Billie's forehead gently

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