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Prompt: An AU set in present day where Nora and Billie Dean are dating and Billie Dean gets up the courage to ask Nora out on a date and they go on said date.  

POV: Billie Dean 

   I shelved the books in the library that I worked at in the affluent neighborhood of Westerchester, Los Angeles. My older brother, Matty, got me the job working in the library so I could get my own money and live my life more without having to rely on the charity of others. It's a nice job, I enjoy it a lot. I'm usually either shelving books or checking people out with their books. When the cafe is short staffed I get assigned there to make drinks but I tend to stay on my side. I get paid a decent salary which I put towards student loans or other bills. 

   My favorite part about working in the library though is getting to see and meet different people with vastly different interests than you would think. For example, Ms. Ellie is a 92-year-old woman who is very soft spoken, very kind, and blends in with everything. Upon my first day of me working at the library, Ms. Ellie asked me to help her pick out a new Stephen King novel that was extremely scary and had lots of gore in it. 

      Another example is a person named Jay. They are covered in tattoos, always wears black leather jackets and spiked boots, and also has a neon green mullet. But Jay comes in every week to check out books on animals so that, when they volunteer at the animal shelter, they know what to do already. 

    Jay and Ms. Ellie are my second and third favorite person to help in the library. 

    My most favorite person that walks through the door of the library and asks for my help is a woman named Nora Montgomery. She is a tall, thin woman with blonde hair that is always curled and sat on her head. She is also always seen in the most beautiful and elaborate dresses with high heels to match. Matty says it's because she comes from a rich, well off family that supports her and hopes that she either flunks out of school or will simply drop out with the ultimate goal of marrying her off to some rich man with a rich family to bear as many children as she can. 

   But Nora hates that idea and is determined to prove her family wrong as well as make a name for herself. She is secretly and successfully rebelling against everything her parents and family want for her because she knows herself best. One way of this is that she has a girlfriend. 

   And that girlfriend is me, Billie Dean. 

   Nora and I met about two years ago when I had just graduated college and she was entering it. She would come to the library every night to study and do homework until 5:45, when her father, Davis, would come to pick her up, regardless of if it was a good time for her or not. 

   However, over time Davis and Nora's mother, Madison, got distracted by either their other children who were actually following their awful guidelines or they got preoccupied in business affairs. I hated how Davis and Madison treated their daughter. It was like they were stuck in the 1920's and didn't understand how different things were and how unacceptable it is to have double standards.

   But then again, Nora isn't the easiest person to love. I would often be tasked with helping her find books she needed in order to study and she would always snap at me and be harsh. But, little by little, those walls came down. I started staying after my shift was over to help her study, to bring her coffee from the cafe, or to just keep her company. Through the talks in between study breaks, we became friends. I then gave her rides to her house and on weekends we would walk to the park in our town to just talk. 

   Then, one night about a month ago, while we were under the cherry blossoms behind one of her college buildings, she leaned over and kissed me. A completely unexpected but very welcome surprise. We both knew we had feelings for each other but I was afraid to make the first move in case of rejection. 

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