Hotgomery Pt. 2

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TW: Domestic Violence! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prompt: Part 2 of Nora getting tips from Billie Dean

POV: 3rd Person

   Nora walked down one of many hallways in the large, Victorian style house. For the first time since meeting Charles, she had butterflies. 

   She had done what she was told was wrong, an illness, punishable by death and something she would be sent to hell for. She had done the unthinkable. 

   Nora Montgomery, lady of the house, had kissed another woman. 

   Happily, at that. 

   She was still giddy with emotion when she got to the bedroom she shared with Charles. She toned it down a bit, knowing that he would get suspicious. As soon as she entered her bedroom, her mood plummeted, being reminded of the life she was still living, reminded of a husband that she still had but did not want. 

   "Nora, I want you." He slurred.

   "Oh Charles, not tonight. I'm terribly tired." She had said. 

   "Come to bed. Now." 

   "No. I said I didn't want to, I won't."

   Charles got up and pinned Nora to the wall. Fear and anger filled Nora. Her husband reeked of alcohol. 

   "You will do what I say. I'm tired of being treated like this. I am the man of this household and you will treat me with respect! I demand respect!" 

   As he yelled, his grip on Nora's wrists tightened and she whimpered in pain. She turned and looked him in the eyes and said, 

   "A man wouldn't be as pathetic as you." 

   Charles face became more red and he delivered a harsh slap to Nora's cheek. It rattled her completely. In the moment where his hand was off her wrist, she pushed Charles off and ran. She heard him clamoring behind her, but she ducked into Thaddeus's nursery. He stumbled past the room, stopped for a moment, grunted, then went back to their bedroom, slamming the door shut and locking it. 

   Nora breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the mirror that hung beside the door. Light blue was already forming on her cheek and she knew she had to treat it. Tears streaked her red face, her hair was out of place, she looked and felt a mess. Miraculously, the baby had slept through everything. Despite the tips she had received from Billie Dean, she didn't think she had the energy or patience to get her son back to sleep. 

   Billie Dean. 

   She let her mind wander as she walked quietly down the hallway to the kitchen. The moment she and Billie had shared was incomparable. From Billie telling her that she was a lesbian, to the two confessing their feelings for one another, and that kiss was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Part of it all felt like a dream. 

   "All dreams turn into nightmares, my dear." Her mother used to say. 

   Nora felt like she was in the nightmare part. 

   She heard shuffling from the kitchen and froze. Had she been too wrapped in her thoughts to hear Charles? She peaked her head around the corner and her heart leapt into her throat. 

   Billie Dean stood in the kitchen, wiping down the countertops. She was humming a tune to herself, one that Nora didn't recognize. The two had already confessed their feelings for each other, they even kissed for Heaven's sake. Yet here the older blonde stood, marveling at the woman, and being too afraid to step forward for a number of reasons. 

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