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Prompt: Sister Mary takes care of Lana while she's ill.

POV: 3rd Person

It was day two of Lana's "treatment" from Thredson. It was taking a massive toll on her in every aspect. She was constantly vomiting, never had energy, had a pounding headache, she felt like she had been run over by a bus. She was spending time in the recovery room, which was basically a waiting chamber to see if she would either live or die. That's what it's like to anyone who comes into the recovery room. You'll get out eventually. But whether you walk out or are wheeled out in a coffin is up to time.

She felt that she had no hope. Lana wasn't a religious person, and though the asylum was supposed to be this refuge, a safe place, it was anything but. The horrors the woman had been facing since she was committed against her will by her girlfriend Wendy was indescribable. Her dreams of becoming a famous writer and reporter seemed to be slipping through her thin fingers. Everything she had worked so hard for, gone.

Another thing that kept Lana up was the fact that it was Wendy who had committed her. For the first time, she had felt hatred towards her lover. *How could she*, Lana thought, *just lock me up in here like I was nothing?*. After a little more thinking, she realized that she had no idea what had happened to her. What had Jude threatened? Did Wendy lose her job? Was she okay?

A million thoughts had been racing through her mind. The loudest was to stay alive. *But why? Why should I live if I'm just going to be tortured?* A million more thoughts rushed through her head as she began thinking about what her death would be like. Painful and lonely were the two words she had landed on. It was a bleak future, but Lana, ever the realist, wanted to keep it honest and to be prepared.

But she knew that nothing could prepare her for the death she had imagined was already playing out for herself.

She heard the door open and two voices that she recognized immediately. Sister Mary and Dr. Arden. She immediately closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. It was hard for Lana to control her breathing as the two approached because of the fear and adrenaline coursing through her.

"Dr. Thredson firmly believes that this treatment will work, and he has evidence from prior studies that shows it works and the patients make a full recovery." Dr. Arden said.

"I know, it just seems a bit...barbaric." Sister Mary said.

"Your heart is pure Sister, but you must remember that Ms. Winters is abnormal. She needs our help. We are doing God's work, no matter how brutal it may seem. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. She's resting now, so you can just putter around until she wakes up."

Mary Eunice nodded.

Dr. Arden gave a polite nod in return and walked out. Mary sat down in the chair beside her patients bed, a patient she cared deeply for. She adjusted her habit and a small bag with two pills slipped out and into her palm. She didn't want to wake Lana up, but she knew she had to do this soon before someone saw her.

Mary laid a gentle hand on Lana's upper arm and shook her.

Lana was startled by the sudden touch and shake. Her eyes immediately snapped open and she looked around, only seeing Sister Mary. Still, she kept her guard up. She didn't want to put anything past this disgusting institution.

"Hi Ms. Winters." Mary said, barely above a whisper.

"Hi." Lana replied.

"How are you feeling?"

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