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Prompt: While at a pride event, Mary spots one of her former teachers that she adored. She takes Lana to meet her. 

POV: Mary 

Rainbow flags were hung all around us, waving and shouting their right to be. Rainbows mean two things to me. They are a representation of my sexuality and they are a symbol of God's promise to His people. I have struggled for many years about my faith and my homosexuality, but today I feel accepted. I feel loved. 

Today, I am proud. 

Lana took my hand as I smiled to her. It was her idea to come to the first ever Boston Pride. I was a little hesitant at first, but she convinced me. It is very nice to see people I don't know, but do know that we all have one thing in common. 

Not being straight. 

Lana and I have been together for 3 years after our breakout. Not every day has been easy, but every day I find new ways to love her. She makes me feel like a princess, and I have never known a love like hers that she gives me. 

We walked hand in hand down the street of the festival. There were hundreds of people from every background and orientation. I wasn't fully familiar with all of them yet, but there was a station of books at the festival and I bought a few that detailed various orientations and gender spectrum's. Lana is a bit more knowledgeable in the LGBT+ community group, and I wanted to be on her level and to no longer be ignorant to my fellow members.

As we walked down the street, I saw a woman who looked familiar. She was my height, small, tan, and had shoulder length brown hair. Lana saw me staring and she smiled, then tugged my arm. 

"Hey! We're here to celebrate us, not for you to find a new girlfriend." She said, then winked. 

I smiled in response, but kept looking at the woman. When she turned around, she had big brown eyes and a sharp face, and I knew exactly who it was. 

"Lana! That's my teacher!" I said, my heart jumping into my throat and a wide smile forming across my face. 

"You're not in school anymore." 

"No silly. I mean from when I was in school. She was my English teacher." I hung back a little bit, I didn't want her to see me. I did have plans to approach her, but I wanted it to be a little more natural.  

"Oh really?" Lana said, looking in the same direction that I was. 

"Yeah. I had her when I was in high school. She was the first person I ever came out to. I cried in her office about it while she held my hand and told me it was going to be okay. She helped me come to terms with my faith and my sexuality. She talked with me through countless talks of depression and suicide. She took me in when I was afraid everyone was going to shut me out. She made me feel loved when I was alone. She even let me stay at her house for a week when I came out to my parents." 

There was a beat of silence before I looked back at Lana. 

"I also had a huge crush on her." I added.

"There it is." Lana said, laughing. 

I nodded. "She was-I mean she still is one of the greatest people I've ever known. When I graduated and left to work in the asylum, we wrote each other once a month. Then Sister Jude found the letters and deemed that it was inappropriate for me to write to her, so she burned all the letters and forbade me from ever talking to her, and I was never able to mail her again." 

"Oh dear, I'm sorry." She said, squeezing my hand. "You should go talk to her. I'm sure she would love to see you." 

I chewed my bottom lip and looked at Lana. "What if she's disappointed in me?" 

Lana looked a little stunned, then confused. "Why would she be?" 

I shrugged, looking down at the pavement. Lana walked in front of me, then gently put her index finger under my chin and raised my eyes up to meet hers. 

"Mary, you can't help what Sister Jude did. She would understand. And she will be proud of you. Proud that you've accepted your sexuality and combined it with your faith. She will be proud of how far you've come in making your own family. In busting out of the asylum. She will be proud that you have found yourself." 

I smiled and nodded, then Lana leaned up a bit to place a gentle kiss on my lips. A few people around us awed, and we both laughed in the kiss. When I pulled away, I looked back at where my former teacher was still standing. Lana took my hand and we started walking forward. 

"M-Ms. Cane?" I said as we got to the woman.

Ms. Cane turned and her brown eyes widened. "M-Mary?" She asked. 

I nodded and smiled. "Hi." 

"Oh Mary!" She said, throwing her arms around me. I laughed and hugged her closely as well. We stayed in an embrace for a few minutes before she pulled back and cupped her hands on my face. 

"Mary. Mary you're here." She said, smiling and giggling. 

I was doing the same and nodding. "I'm here Ms. Cane. I'm here." 

"Please, call me Matilda. I'm not your teacher anymore." 

I took in a few deep breaths and kept nodding. "Okay Matilda." 

"I've missed you so dearly. Why did you stop writing?" 

"I uh-my boss at the asylum, Sister Jude, found our notes and thought they were wrong. She took them and burned them, then never let me send another letter."

"Oh that's terrible. I thought you were..." She trailed off and shook her head, her brown eyes radiating and her blonde hair swishing as she was getting the thought out of her head. 

"You're here. You're alive." She said, moving her hands from my cheeks to my own hands and rubbing them like she used to. 

"I am." 

Matilda moved to look behind me a little and saw Lana. "Who is this?" She asked. 

I turned and grabbed Lana's hand and brought her to my side. "This is my girlfriend, Lana Winters." 

"Hi Lana! I'm Matilda." She said, shaking my girlfriends hand. 

"Hi there." Lana said, smiling widely and also shaking Matilda's hand. 

"I hope you know the gem that you have. Mary is a wonderful person." 

"I agree." Lana said, stepping back to my side and smiling. 

I blushed and looked back to my former teacher. "How have you been?" I asked. 

"Oh! There's two people I want you to meet." She said, then looked over her shoulder. She tapped a man's arm and he turned around, holding a little girl who was about 1. 

"This is my husband Phil, and our daughter, Delilah Elanor." 

Phil was taller with black hair and a black beard. He had bright and kind blue eyes and pale skin. He put his arm around Matilda and smiled while Matilda grabbed Delilah.

Delilah was small for 1 year. She was tan with blonde curls and blue eyes. She looked like the perfect blend between the two. She smiled and clapped her hands together and I felt my ovaries bust. 

"She's precious." Lana said, smiling to the baby.

"Thank you." They both said.

"Do you want to stick together and watch the parade?" Matilda asked, looking to me and Lana. 

I looked at Lana who gave a single nod and I looked back at them. 

"Yes please." 

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